![]() TM 10-3930-638-10
Operation at High Altitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Operation in Unusual Weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Operation in Snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Fording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Operation in Salt Water Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
engine, then increase speed and warm up the
engine. Low idling speeds during extremely
cold temperatures can result in incomplete
combustion and heavy deposit formations
a. Extreme Cold
on the valves.
(c) Cover the radiator if necessary to bring
(1) General. Extensive preparation of the vehicle
engine up to operating temperature.
is required when extreme cold weather is anticipated.
Extreme cold causes lubricants to thicken or congeal,
(6) At Halt or Parking.
presents a risk of freezing batteries and diminishes their
(a) Park vehicle in sheltered place if possible.
electrical efficiency, can crack electrical insulation to
Cover to protect engine, accessories, and
cause short circuits, prevents fuel from vaporizing readily
controls from ice and snow.
to form the combustible mixture necessary for starting,
(b) Run vehicle onto planks to `prevent tires
causes various materials to become hard, brittle, and
from freezing to the ground. Block up forks.
easily damaged. You must make sure the cooling system
(c) Be sure you clean wet snow or mud from
has been filled with the appropriate anti-freeze solution
tires and cylinders before it freezes.
to protect the system against sub-freezing temperatures.
(d) In extremely cold weather, remove the
batteries and store them in a moderately
(2) Cooling System. Before the cooling system is
warm area. Reinstall the batteries just before
drained and filled, inspect the system for leaks and
you start the engine.
general condition. All deteriorated or damaged hoses
must be replaced. Make sure that all clamps are tight and
b. Extreme Heat.
that drain cocks are properly closed. When anti-freeze
is added to the cooling system, be sure ample space is
(1) General. Check temperature light frequently
allowed for the required amount of anti-freeze required.
for indication of overheating. Allow engine to idle slowly
Be sure you operate the engine for 15 minutes to allow
when it is overheated until temperature is reduced
the solution to properly mix.
indicated by light going out.
(2) Cooling System.
(3) Lubrication. Be sure that the correct grade of
lubricant is applied to the lubrication points. If necessary,
(a) Drain, flush, and refill cooling system.
drain and refill if the lubricant grade is not correct for
(b) Check coolant level at frequent intervals and
cold weather operation.
keep radiator cap tight.
(c) Be sure the radiator is free of bugs, dust, and
(4) Fuel System. Be sure precautions are taken to
other foreign matter.
eliminate water and moisture from the fuel system by
(d) Check fan belt tension frequently.
draining and flushing the fuel tank, draining off any
(3) Lubrication. Lubricate the vehicle with correct
water from the fuel tank and filters at the end of each
grade of lubricants in accordance with the lubrication
day's operation, replacing the fuel filter elements, and
chart. Change filter elements at shorter intervals than
completely filling the fuel tank after each operating
period to avoid water condensation. The fuel tank must
not be allowed to remain partially empty over long
(4) Air Cleaner. Service air cleaner at shorter than
periods of time and all ice and snow must be completely
normal intervals.
removed from around the filler opening before refilling
the fuel tank.
(5) At Halt or Parking. Park the vehicle in a
shaded area if possible.
(5) Engine Operation.
c. Rainy or Humid Conditions. Keep vehicle protected
(a) Use the cold weather starting aid to start the
when not in use. Dry off seat and wiring to prevent forma-
tion of mildew. Keep fuel tank full. Service filters more
(b) Run the engine at reduced speed only long
frequently than normal. Keep all moving parts well
enough to circulate the oil through the
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