DECLUTCH PEDAL. Depressing pedal with foot applies
SPEED SELECTOR. Selects one of three drive speed
service brake and shifts transmission to neutral range
ranges for forward or reverse travel. Rearmost position
(regardless of position of direction selector). Releasing
provides greatest pulling power and lowest top speed; full
spring loaded pedal releases service brake and returns
forward position provides highest top speed.
transmission to range (F, N, or R) selected by direction
selector control.
DIRECTION SELECTOR. Three position lever control
selects forward, neutral or reverse direction of travel.
Reverse position also sounds back-up alarm module.
PARKING BRAKE LEVER. Located at right side of
SERVICE BRAKE PEDAL. Depressing pedal applies
operator's seat. Pulling lever up applies drum-type
shoe and drum hydraulic brakes located at each wheel.
parking brake located at output shaft of transmission,
Also illuminates service or blackout stop lights, as
which prevents axles and wheels from rotating. Pushing
determined by position of VEHICLE LIGHTS switch.
lever down releases parking brake.
Releasing spring loaded pedal releases service brakes.
Brake system is power assisted for reduced brake pedal
effort when engine is running.
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