![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
slave cylinder.
6-10. Hydraulic Side Shift Cylinder.
a. Removal.
(1) Unlock two latches and move lift forks man-
ually to the left side of truck. Loosen hoses to the cyl-
inder slowly, allowing pressure to leak down.
(2) Refer to figure 6-15 and remove the side shift
ble the side shift cylinder.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all metal parts thoroughly, using solvent
P-D-680 or equal. Dry parts thoroughly.
(2) Inspect parts for wear, scoring, scratches,
nicks and burrs.
(3) Inspect the cylinder body for cracks and distor-
(4) Replace defective parts.
the hydraulic side shift cylinder.
Upon reassembly, use new packing. Torque
the rod and nut to the valve specified in para-
graph l-7 b(8).
inder in a similar manner.
f. Installation.
(1) Refer to figure 6-15 and install the side shift
(2) Move forks to desired position and relock the
two latches.
6-11. Hydraulic Extension Cylinder
6-9. Hydraulic Slave Cylinder.
Lower the boom assembly and reset fork car-
riage assembly on the ground before attempt-
slave cylinder.
ing any maintenance on the hydraulic exten-
sion cylinder. Serious injury could result
ble the slave cylinder.
from a falling boom assembly if the cylinder
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
is disconnected in the raised position.
(1) Clean all metal parts thoroughly with solvent
a. Removal.
P-D-680 or equal. Dry parts thoroughly.
(1) Remove the top console panel.
(2) Inspect parts for wear, scoring, scratches,
(2) Refer to figure 6-17 and remove the hydraulic
nicks and burrs.
extension cylinder. Using a suitable lifting device, re-
(3) Inspect the cylinder body for cracks and distor-
move the hydraulic extension cylinder back through
the boom assembly and out through the console panel
(4) Replace defective parts.
slave cylinder.
ble the hydraulic extension cylinder.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
Upon reassembly, use new packing. Torque
(1) Clean all metal parts thoroughly, using solvent
the rod end nut to 900-1000 lbft torque, as
P-D-680 or equal. Dry parts thoroughly.
specified in paragraph l-7b(8).
(2) Inspect parts for wear, scoring, nicks, burrs
and scratches.
draulic slave cylinder in a-similar manner.
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