![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
fied by passing a string completely around the outside
front cross shaft for looseness. Any looseness in this
arm that allows relative motion between it and the
of the vehicle at the axle centerline. Proper alignment
cross shaft must be eliminated, as it will cause even-
exists when string touches each tire sidewall in two
tual loss of control.
h. Remove the alignment rod from intermediate
5-22. Rear Drag Link
steering arm and reconnect the valve link arm. Adjust
the valve link arm by turning the threaded section- un-
a. Removal. Remove the rear drag link (TM 10-
til ball stud at valve end of arm is directly opposite
lower pivot center in intermediate steer arm and also
ble the rear drag link.
opposite end of intermediate steer arm and opposite
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
end of rear cross shaft tube.
(1) Clean the rear drag link components thorough-
i. Adjust front and rear drag links to drop into axle
ly, using solvent P-D-680 or equal.
steering arms. The rear drag link contains a spring
(2) Inspect the drag link for worn bearing, worn
which must not be extended or compressed during re-
stud, broken spring, damage or cracks. Replace all de-
fective parts.
j. Wart engine, and without moving steering wheel,
operate the steering mode selector into the crab and
the drag link as follows:
cramp or 4-wheel steering positions. With the front
(1) Apply a light coat of grease on the non-
wheels aimed straight ahead, there should be no move-
chromed section of the shaft (30).
ment of the rear wheels as the steering mode selector
(2) Coat the sleeves (25) and spring (26) with
is shifted through the various modes. If movement
grease and install the shaft (30).
does occur, the links in the system have been damaged.
The steering system can be adjusted to compensate for
(3) Install spacer (24) and nut (23) on the shaft,
parts which have sustained minor deformations. Satis-
then tighten the nut until one thread is exposed on the
factory operation can be accomplished by adjusting
back side of the nut.
(4) Assemble nut (27), adapter (28) and wiper (29),
the valve link arm and the rear drag link to eliminate
the movement of the rear wheels. Only if absolutely
and install on shaft (30).
(5) Install shaft assembly into tube (22) and
necessary should the position of the pitman arm be
tighten the adapter until there is no free play between
changed to accomplish this adjustment. Turn steering
wheel slightly to obtain correct position of pitman
shaft assembly and tube. Excessive tightening of the
adapter can also cause free play.
arm. As a final check, after such an adjustment, verify
(6) After the assembly has been adjusted, tighten
that all four wheels are aimed straight ahead using the
locknut (27) against the tube (22).
string method described above. Readjust drag links if
k. Operate the steering through full left and right
Refer to paragraph 1-7b for steering adjust-
ment specifications.
positions and in all three steering modes to check for
e. Installation. Install the rear drag link (TM
proper functioning and no binding.
l. Carefully check the arm on the inboard end of the
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