![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
( 1 2 ) Refer to table 1-1 for dimensions and
(b) Insert the piston rings into the cylinder
measure the connecting rod bearings for excessive
liner, farenough inthebore to be on normal wiping
wear. Visually inspect the bearings for excessive wear
area of the ring. Measure the ring gap with a feeler
to determine if used bearings are satisfactory for
gage as illustrated in figure 3-112. Make sure the ring
further service. The upper bearings, which carry the
is parallel to the top of the liner.
load will normally show signs of distress before the
(c) If the piston ring gap is below the clearance
lower bearings do.
specified in table 1-1, file or stone the end of the
( 1 3 ) Refer to table 1-1 for dimensions an
piston ring. File or stone the ring in such a direction
measure the thickness of the bearing 900 from the
that the file or stone will cut from the outside (chrome
p a r t i n g line using a micrometer with a ball at-
plated) surface of the ring toward the inside surface.
This will prevent chipping or peeling of the chrome
f. Reassembly.
plate. The ends of the ring must remain square and the
(1) Apply clean engine oil to the piston pin and
chamfer must be approximately 0.015 inch on the
bushing and rest the piston in a fixture as illustrated
outer edge.
(7) Refer to table 1-1 and check the ring clearance
(2) Install one piston pin retainer in the piston as
in the piston groove as illustrated in figure 3-113.
illustrated in figure 3-116, strike the installation tool
(8) Inspect and open the holes in the spray nozzle.
just hard enough to deflect the retainer and seat it
Blow dry compressed air through the drilled oil
passages in the rod and nozzle to make sure all
passages are open.
Do not drive too hard on the pin retainer or
(9) Refer to table 1-1 and inspect the connecting
the pin bushing may be moved inward and re-
rod bushings for scoring, indications of overheating or
sult in reduced pin clearance.
other damage. Bushings that have overheated may
( 3 ) Slide the piston pin into the piston and
become loose and creep together, thus blocking off
connecting rod and install the second piston pin
lubricating oil to the piston pin, bushing and spray
retainer ((2) above).
(10) Replace the piston pin bushing and spray
The piston pin will slip readily into position
nozzle as follows:
without force and must float freely after in-
(a) Remove the piston pin bushing as illustrated
(4) Check the piston pin retainers for proper seal-
(b) Remove the spray nozzle from the connect-
ing as follows:
ing rod as illustrated in figure 3-115.
(a) Place the assembled piston and rod upside
down on a bench and fill the piston with clean fuel oil
The orifice in the lower end of the drilled
to a level above the piston pin bosses.
passage in the connecting rod is not serviced
(b) Dry the exterior surfaces of the piston in the
separately, and it is not necessary to remove
area around the retainers and allow the fuel oil to set
it when replacing the spray nozzle.
for about 15 minutes.
(c) Install the new spray nozzle straight into the
(c) Check for seepage of fuel oil around the
counterbore in the top of the connecting rod. Support
retainers. If fuel leaks at the retainers, install new re-
the connecting rod in an arbor press. Then, place a
short 3/8 I.D. sleeve on top of the spray nozzle and
tainers. In extreme cases it may be necessary to re-
place the piston.
press the spray nozzle in the connecting rod.
(d) Empty the fuel oil from the piston and dry
(d) Clamp the upper end of the connecting rod
with compressed air. Lubricate the piston pin with
in the holder as shown in figure 3-114, so the bore of
clean engine oil.
the bushing is alined with the hole in the base of the
(5) Install the oil control rings by hand with the
installation tool.
scraping edge of each ring down as follows:
(e) Press the bushing into the connecting rod
(a) Install the expander in the upper ring groove
bore as illustrated in figure 3-114.
When installing a bushing in the connecting
The oil control ring expander must be
rod, locate the joint of the bushing at the top
completely seated in the oil ring groove. If
of the connecting rod.
the ends of the expander should overlap, the
(f) Turn the connecting rod over in the holder
oil ring will protrude slightly and be broken
and install the opposite bushing in the same manner.
(11) Refer to table 1-1 for dimensions and ream
when the piston ring compressor is installed
the piston pin bushing.
over the piston, or when the piston and rod
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