![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
sure a tight seal.) Drill and tap the plate to permit an
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
air hose fitting to be attached to inlet side of core.
(1) Clean the aluminum oil cooler core with dry
( 2 ) Apply approximately 75 psi air pressure and
cleaning solvent P-D- 680 or equal. Clean the other
submerge the cooler core and plate assembly in a con-
metal parts using an alkaline cleaning compound such
tainer of water. Any leaks will be indicated by air bub-
as P-C-436.
b l e s in the water. If leaks are indicated, replace the
(2) Clean all the lubrication oil passages with com-
pressed air.
f. Reassembly. Reassemble the oil cooler in reverse
(3) Inspect the housing for cracks, breaks, and
of numerical sequence shown in figure 3-6. Use new
other damage.
gaskets upon reassembly.
(4) Inspect all mounting hardware for damage.
g. Installation.
Replace damaged or defective parts.
(1) Refer to figure 3-5 and install the oil cooler.
e. Pressure Test.
(2) Install the fuel filter, oil filter and water pump
(1) Make a suitable plate and attach it to the flanged
side of cooler core. (Use a gasket made of rubber to as-
3-7. Generator
This section contains information on the main.
a. General. The forklift truck is equipped with a 24
tenance of the battery charging circuit which is com-
Vdc generator. The generator provides a source of elec-
prised of the generator and voltage regulator (and bat-
trical current to maintain the battery in a charged con-
tery and interconnecting wiring), and maintenance of
dition, and supplies sufficient current to carry any
the starter.
other electrical load requirements up to the rated
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