![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
3-3. Water Pump
(1) Clean the body, cover and impeller thoroughly,
using the steam cleaning method or the alkaline im-
a. General. The water pump is a high-capacity
mersion process P- C-436. After using the alkaline im-
centrifugal type. It is belt driven at greater than en-
mersion process, rinse the parts thoroughly until they
gine speed, and it circulates the coolant through the
are free of the alkaline solution.
cooling system.
(2) Clean other parts except the seal and shaft as-
b. Removal. R e m o v e t h e w a t e r p u m p ( T M
s e m b l y u s i n g s o l v e n t P - D - 6 8 0 o r e q u a l . Dry
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 3-3 and disassemble
(3) Inspect the body, cover, and hardware for
the water pump in numerical sequence.
cracks, breaks, and other damage.
d. Cleaning and Inspection,
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