TM 10-3930-634-12
(2) Inspect pump for cracks and leaks. Replace a
defective pump.
a. General. The engine-driven hydraulic pump sup-
d. Installation. Refer to figure 4-40 and install the
plies hydraulic pressure to the brakes, side shift
engine-driven hydraulic pump by reversing the remov-
cylinder and oscillator cylinder. For access to the
al procedure.
engine-driven hydraulic pump, remove the forward
panel under the right rear fender.
When pump failure occcurs and metal
particles contaminate the hydraulic oil,
engine-driven pump and cap all hydraulic lines. The
the complete hydraulic system oil and
pump is mounted on the engine flywheel housing above
filters must be changed, as indicated by
the torque converter.
the contamination indicator (figure
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean pump with an approved cleaning solvent
and dry thoroughly.
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