TM 10-3930-634-12
mounting surfaces are clean. Refer to figure 4-8 and
ing screws and nuts to remove secondary fuel filter.
install the primary and secondary fuel filters as
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Refer to figure 4-9 for servicing the primary
(1) Use two mounting screws and nuts to install
and secondary fuel filters.
the secondary fuel filter. Reconnect lines and fittings
(2) Clean the primary fuel filter element with dry
as shown.
cleaning solvent (P-D-680). Dry with low pressure com-
(2) Install pressure switches and reconnect electri-
pressed air. Discard secondary fuel filter element.
cal leads.
(3) Inspect hoses for deterioration and cuts. In-
(3) Use two mounting screws and nuts to install
spect filter bodies and heads for cracks and breaks.
the primary fuel filter. Reconnect two lines and fit-
Replace defective parta
tings as shown.
d. Installation. Use new gaskets and be sure that
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