![]() TM 10-3930-634-12
b. Remove battery vent fill caps and fill each cell
with electrolyte to a level 1/2 inch above the tops
a. Make a visual inspection to make sure that
of the plate separators.
the required tools, repair parts and other "Items
Troop Installed or Authorized" are included with
the equipment.
Avoid contact with electrolyte. If electro-
lyte comes in contact with eyes, flush
b. Inspect the diesel engine and mounted com-
thoroughly and immediately with cold
ponents for damaged or missing items.
water. Do not rub. Thoroughly and imme-
diately wash all parts of the body touched
c. Inspect wiring, fuel and oil lines, radiator
by electrolyte with cold water, If electro-
hoses, fuel and hydraulic oil tanks, hydraulic
lyte comes in contact with fabrics, neu-
system piping, gages, instruments and lights for
tralize using baking soda or household
missing, loose, broken or damaged parts.
ammonia, in addition to washing with
cold water.
If NBC exposure is suspected, all air fil-
ter media should be handled by personnel
c. Replace vent caps.
wearing protective equipment. Consult
your unit NBC Officer or NBC NCO for
d. Apply a light coating of nonmetallic grease or
appropriate handling or disposal instruc-
petroleum jelly to the battery posts. Install bat-
tery cables. Tighten the cable terminals securely.
d. Inspect drain plugs, breathers, filters, caps,
e. Wipe the tops of the batteries and battery
and drain cocks for improper installation and
hold-down hardware with cloth moistened in
baking soda or ammonia solution to remove any
spilled acid. Wipe dry with clean cloth.
e. Inspect air and hydraulic hoses and lines and
electrical leads for cuts, breaks or signs of deterio-
f. Make sure all drain valves on the engine and
radiator are closed. Fill the cooling system with
f. Correct deficiencies falling within the limits
soft, clean water to a level 1 1/2 inches below the
of organizational maintenance.
neck of the radiator.
4-2. Servicing Equipment
When operating in freezing tempera-
a. Perform daily and quarterly preventive
tures or below, use antifreeze in the
maintenance as indicated in paragraphs 3-3 and
quantities indicated in table 2-1.
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