![]() TM 10-3930-634-12
If equipment fails to operate, refer to troubleshooting procedures in chapter 3.
2-1. General
a. The instructions in this section are published for
This paragraph describes the various controls and in-
the information and guidance of the personnel respon-
struments and provides the operator/crew sufficient in-
sible for the operation of the forklift truck.
formation to insure proper operation of the forklift
truck. Refer to figure 2-1 for the purpose, normal read-
ing and location of all controls and instruments.
When climbing into the driver's seat, be
careful not to bump head on roll over protec-
2-3. Starting
tive structure.
a Preparation for Starting
b. The operator must know how to perform every
(1) Perform the before operation preventive main-
operation of which the forklift is capable. This section
tenance check and services (table 3-1).
gives instructions on starting and stopping the forklift
(2) Lubricate the forklift as specified in the cur-
truck, operation of the forklift, and on coordinating the
rent lubrication order.
basic motions to perform the specific tasks for which
b. Starting.
the equipment is designed. Since nearly every job pre-
sents a different problem, the operator may have to
Starting circuit is operative only when
vary given procedures to fit the individual job.
the Forward-Neutral-Reverse control
lever is in neutral.
in cramp mode and 43 feet in the two-wheel steer
mode. Drift is 20 in crab mode. If steering difficulty is
Continue only if there is no apparent loss
of hydraulic oil and no unusual noise
encountered in the cramp or crab modes of steering, it
from the hydraulic pump.
may be feasible to continue operation in the two-wheel
steer mode.
Refer to figure 2-2 and start the forklift.
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