![]() TM 10-3930-634-12
Section I. GENERAL
rors and by recommending improvements using DA
1-1. Scope
This manual is for your use in operating and maintain-
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications), or
ing The Anthony Co. Model MLT-6-2 (Army Model
by a letter, and mail directly to Commander, U.S.
MHE-230) wheelmounted rough terrain fork lift truck.
Army Tank Automotive Command, Attn: DRSTA -
It provides information on the maintenance of the
MSP, Warren, MI., 48090. A reply will be furnished
equipment that is within the scope of the tools, equip-
directly to you.
ment, personnel and supplies that are normally availa-
ble to using organizations.
vent Enemy Use
Procedures for the destruction of Army materiel to pre-
vent enemy use are explained in TM 750-244-3.
Maintenance forms and records that you are required
to use are explained in TM 38-750.
1-5. Administrative Storage
Administrative storage procedures are explained in
TM 740-90-1.
You can improve this manual by calling attention to er-
1-6. Description
b. Tabulated Data
(1) Corps of Engineers "A" plate.
The rough terrain forklift truck (figs. 1-1 and 1-2) is
capable of operating over all types of terrain. It is
equipped with front and rear axle steering which ena-
bles it to move sideways at 20 angles and gives the
truck a shorter turning radius. The truck is also equip-
ped with with two-wheel and four-wheel drive, enabling it to
travel through mud, snow, sand and steep grades with
equal facility. The body and forks of the truck maybe
tilted right or left in relation to the front axle. The
forks are extended by hydraulically-operated, telescop-
ing arms which reach out, up, or down to handle loads.
A hydraulic cylinder moves the forks right or left of
center to lift off-center loads. The truck has expand-
ing-tube type hydraulic brakes, hydraulically-operated
power steering and a torque converter. The mainte-
nance paragraphs of this manual contain detailed
descriptions of the truck's components.
This manual covers only the Anthony Company
MLT6-2 (Army Model MHE-230) fork lift truck. No
known differences exist for the model covered by this
tion plate mounted on the left side of the hull which
specifies the nomenclature, shipping dimensions,
model number, and engine manufacturer. The data
from this plate can be found under tabulated data (b
(4) Wiring diagram See figure 1-3.
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