![]() TM 10-3930-632-12
Figure 4-55. Brake System Bleed Points
(g) When bleeding wheel cylinders
(bleed points D and E), attach a small hose to the
Always relieve pressure from bleeder tank
bleeder screw on the axle adapter, submerge the other
when bleeding operation is completed.
(2) Manual Bleeding. Manual bleeding
end of the hose into a jar of clean brake fluid. Hold the
jar at a point higher than the bleeder screw, and open
may be performed when pressure bleeding equipment is
the bleeder screw, allowing fluid to flow into the jar until
unavailable. Manual bleeding will require two men, one
no more bubbles can be seen in the flow.
to depress and hold the brake pedal while the other
(h) When air bubbles stop coming
opens and closes the bleeder valves. Proceed as
into the container, close the bleeder fitting and remove
outlined under pressure bleeding, but observe the
the tube. Close bleeder tank valve.
following special instructions:
(i) Disconnect bleeder tank line from
(a) It must be remembered that the
master cylinder and connect it to the inching master
brake pedal should be depressed slowly and held until
the line connections or bleeder screws are securely
(j) Follow the same procedure as
tightened. This prevents the possibility of air being
outlined above, but start at inching valve bleeding point.
drawn into the system during the bleeding operation.
When bleeding operation is
Check the master cylinder reservoir
completed, fill both cylinders to with 1/4 inch from the
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