![]() TM 10-3930-632-12
(1) Drain the cooling system.
(2) If the condition of the radiator is
(2) Loosen the clamp and disconnect the
uncertain, test it for leaks as follows:
upper hose from the thermostat housing. Remove the
(a) Plug all outlets except the top
bypass hose from the elbow on the thermostat housing;
outlet. Immerse the radiator in water and apply low
remove the elbow and thermostat (fig. 4-36).
pressure air (10 PSIG maximum) through the top outlet.
b. Inspection and Testing.
(b) Carefully check for air bubbles
which indicate a leak.
(1) Inspect the thermostat and thermostat
housing for cracks, distortion, scale or dirt deposits, or
other physical damage.
Make sure the radiator is empty of water
(2) Suspend the thermostat in a pan of
before performing an air check. Water in
water on a stove. Place a thermometer capable of
radiator may prevent the air from being
reading temperatures up to the boiling point in the pan.
ejected through a leaking area.
Heat the water. The thermostat must open between
(c) Replace the radiator if it leaks.
d. Installation.
150to 185 F.
(3) Replace the gasket and, if defective,
(1) Install the radiator as shown in figure 4-
replace the thermostat.
c. Installation.
(2) Close the drain cock at the bottom of
(1) Install the thermostat housing as shown
the radiator and fill the radiator in accordance with
in figure 4-36.
current directives. Use antifreeze, if necessary (table 3-
(2) Install the upper hose and the bypass
2), or use water containing a rust inhibitor.
Run the engine until it reaches
operating temperature and check for leaks. Operate the
4-55. Fan and Alternator Belts
fork lift truck in forward and reverse directions and
check the transmission oil level. Add oil if necessary.
(4) Install the overhead guard and radiator
must be tightened so that they can be deflected between
3/4 and 1 inch at a point midway between the crankshaft
pulley and the fan drive pulley. If necessary, adjust the
4-54. Thermostat
belts as shown in figure 4-39.
a. Removal.
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