![]() TM 10-3930-632-12
(c) If the voltage reading still exceeds
0.3 volts, check the alternator for shorted or grounded
fields. Remove lead from alternator field terminal and
connect an ammeter in series with the field winding.
b. Alternator Removal
Tag the electrical leads to the
alternator terminals. Disconnect the leads.
Always disconnect the battery cable from
the positive battery terminal before making
electrical repairs to the truck.
(2) Loosen the fan and alternator belts and
remove the alternator as shown in figure 4-39.
c. Installation
Improper location of the lower mounting bolt
Figure 4-14. Checking Field Relay
spacers will cause pulley misalinement and
premature belt wear.
Install the alternator in reverse order of removal.
To check for excessive circuit
Spacers on the lower mounting bolt are placed between
resistance, connect a voltmeter from the positive battery
the alternator and the rear mounting bracket. These
post to the field terminal of the alternator. Turn on
spacers provide for proper alternator to water pump
ignition switch but do not start engine. Check voltmeter
pulley alinement.
readings as follows:
(a) If reading exceeds 0.3 volts,
4-32. Voltage Regulator
excessive line resistance is indicated. Clean and tighten
all connections at and between battery insulated post
illustrates the voltage regulator with the cover removed
and regulator "V" terminal, and at regulator "F" terminal
to identify the internal parts of the regulator.
and alternator field terminal.
(b) If voltage reading still exceeds 0.3
volts, clean the alternator "Bat" terminal, field relay
contacts and voltage regulator contacts.
Change 1 4-30
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