![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
(4) Remove transformer (19), standoffs and
(2) Install insulator (70) and emergency cutout
contactor (79 fig. 9-21) and secure to panel (75) with
(5) Remove fuses (10) and fuseholders (11).
screws (50), washers (51) and lock washers (52).
Remove screws (12) and lock washers (13) and remove
Tighten screws securely.
support (14).
(3) Install insulators (70) and forward and
(6) Remove screws (9) and remove resistor and
reverse contactors (77 and 78) on plate and secure with
diode assembly (80). Refer to paragraph 9-27 for repair
screws (67), washers (68) and lock washers (69).
of diode and resistor assembly.
Tighten screws securely.
(7) Remove screws (38), washers (39), lock
(4) Install insulator (70) and install pump
washers (40) and nuts (41) and remove diode
contactor (81). Secure contactor with screws (64), lock
suppressor module (42). Remove screws (43) and
washers (65) and washers (66).
remove support (44).
(5) Install bus bars (59 and 63) and terminals
(8) Remove screws, washers and lock washers
(54) on forward and reverse contactors and secure with
and remove bus bars (59 and 63) and terminals (54)
from forward and reverse contactors (77 and 78).
(6) Install support (44) on panel and secure with
(9) Remove screws (67), washers (68) and lock
screws (43). Install diode suppressor module (42) on
washers (69) and remove forward and reverse
support and secure with screws (38), washers (39), lock
contactors. Remove insulators (70). Refer to paragraph
washers (40) and nuts (41). Tighten nuts securely.
(7) Install diode and resistor assembly (80) on
(10)Remove screw (50), washers (51) and lock
panel and secure with screws (9). Tighten screws
lashers (52) and remove emergency cutout contactor
(79). Refer to paragraph 9-25 for repair of contactor.
(8) Install fuse support (14) on panel and secure
(11)Remove screws (64), lock washers (65) and
with screws (12) and lock washers (13). Install fuse
washers (66) and remove pump contactor (81).
holders (11) and fuses (10) in support.
(12)Harness, cables, and items 27 through 32
(9) Install standoffs (20) and spacers (21) and
are removed when wires are disconnected.
install bus bar (55) on panel. Secure standoffs with
(13)Remove plate (71) and remove screws (72)
screws (76).
and lock washers (73) and remove shelf (74) from panel
(10)Install standoffs (20) and spacers (21) and
install transformer (19) on standoffs. Secure transformer
d. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
and one 400 amp fuse (46) to bus bar. Install remaining
400 amp fuse on bus bar.
(11)Install standoffs (20) and spacers (21) and
Cleaning compound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-
connect 35 amp fuse (45) to bus bar.
680), used for cleaning, is potentially dangerous
(12)Install studs (32), insulators, nuts and
to personnel and property. Do not use near open
flame. Flash point of solvent is 100 F to 138
washers in shelf.
(13)Install wiring harness (8) through shelf and
F(38 C to 59 C).
secure with connector (7).
(1) Clean all metal parts in cleaning com-
(14)Refer to figures 9-19 and 9-20 and connect
pound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
contactor panel cables and wiring harness to
(2) Inspect all components for wear and
damage which may impair or prevent normal operation.
f. Installation. Refer to paragraph 2-16 and install
(3) Inspect harness and cables for cracked or
contactor panel on truck. Operate truck and check
frayed wires or cables. Repair by taping or insulating, if
contactor and control operation. Truck should operate
possible. Replace unserviceable components.
smoothly and properly through all phases of movement.
(4) Check all fuses with a test lamp. Replace
9-25. Hydraulic Pump and Emergency Cutout
blown fuses.
(5) Test diode suppressor module as outlined in
a. General. Contactors control operation of the
drive motor, pump motor and emergency cutout. The
diode suppressor module.
contactors are mounted in the contactor panel (fig. 2-7).
(6) Replace all unserviceable components.
b. Removal. Refer to paragraph 9-24 and remove
e. Assembly.
contactors from contactor panel.
(1) Install shelf (74, fig. 9-21) on panel (75) and
c. Disassembly. The hydraulic pump and
secure with screws (72) and lock washers (73). Install
plate (71).
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