![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
induced current flows from the forward coil to terminal
must pick up, and there must be a reduction in the
HY1-7 of the diode suppressor module and out terminal
control cycles from approximately the normal 300 Hz to
HY1-6 back to the normally closed reverse interlock
the plugging 3 to 50 Hz. The serverity of the plugging
contact (terminal designation S4-4). Conversely, when
mode is determined by the setting of the plugging
the reverse coil is de-energized, current flows from the
coil to the terminal HY1-7 of the diode
(2) The plugging circuit is from the cathode of
suppressor module and out terminal HY1-8 back to the
D2 armature (plugging) diode, and through the bus bar
normally closed forward interlock contact (terminal
to the Al terminal of the static panel. The path continues
designation S3-4). These circuits provide a path to
through Al and A2 drive motor armature terminals, and
dissipate induced current and suppress
through static panel A2 terminal back to the anode of D2
whenever a directional coil is de- energized.
diode. When the plugging relay contacts close, due to
(5) After a directional coil is energized, all
the induced current, the circuit path for the plugging
circuits between the speed and inching potentiometers
relay is from terminal P1-10 of the control circuit module,
and the P1-5, P1-20, P1-7, and P1-15 terminals of the
through P3-2 of plug P3, the now closed plugging relay
control circuit module become energized. As the
contacts, and back through P3-1 of plug P3 to terminal
resistance of the speed potentiometer is increased
P1-17 of the control circuit module.
g. Hydraulic Pump Circuit.
(accelerator pedal depressed), the resistance of the
speed potentiometer circuit within the control circuit
(1) With the key switch in ON position, the
module increases to cause greater on time of the
operation of any of the parallel pump contacts will
energize the pump contactor coil. Current flows from
(6) After the forward contactor coil is energized,
the positive side of the battery through the power fuse,
current will flow from the positive side of the battery
F2 15 amp control fuse, contactor panel terminal P5-8,
through the power fuse, the now
closed forward
key switch and the now closed pump contacts and
directional contacts, S2 and S1 motor field terminals,
thermal relays to contactor panel terminal P6-3. From
normally closed reverse directional contacts, and Al and
terminal P6- 3, current flows through the pump contactor
A2 drive motor armature terminals to A2 terminal of the
coil and terminal P6-4 to the negative side of the
static panel. From the A2 terminal, current flows to the
battery. A set of normally open pump contactor contacts
A2 terminals of the power switch modules. To complete
now closed to complete the circuit for the pump motor.
the circuit, current flows out of the power switch module
This allows current to flow through the pump motor and
B- terminals to the B- terminal of the static panel, and
from there back to the negative side of the battery.
from there back to the negative side of the battery.
(2) A hash filter, which is located inside the
(7) As the directional contacts around the drive
diode suppressor module and wired in parallel with the
motor field change position, current will also flow from
pump coil, is used to suppress voltage spikes whenever
the now closed directional contact through a 15 amp
the pump coil is de-energized. At the instant the pump
fuse, D3 and D4 diode (depending upon which direction
coil is de-energized, induced current flows from the
was selected), and R1 resistor to terminal P5-4 current
negative side of the pump coil (K3-2) to terminal HY1-4
flows through terminal P2-11 of plug P2 to the static
of the diode suppressor module. The current path
panel and back to the negative side of the battery. At
continues through the hash filter inside the module and
this same time, control current flows from P1- 2 terminal
out module terminal HY1-3 to the positive side of the
of the control circuit module to the S1 terminals of the
pump coil (K3-1).
h. Power Steering Circuit.
drive regulator modules. To complete the circuit,
current flows out of the B- terminals of the drive
(1) The power steering pump is energized by
regulator modules through the B- terminal stud to the
closing the key switch, emergency cutout switch and
negative side of the battery.
seat switch to complete the power steering circuit. The
f. Plugging Circuit.
current path is from the positive side of the battery
(1) If the lift truck is moving, the accelerator
through the power fuze, F2 15 amp control fuse,
pedal is released, the forward and reverse level is
contactor panel terminal P5-8, key switch, to contactor
moved from one direction to the opposite direction, and
panel terminal P6-10. From terminal P6-10, the path
the accelerator pedal is depressed again, the motor field
continues through the emergency cutout contactor coil
is reversed. To accomplish a plugging mode, the
and terminal P6- 4 to the negative side of the battery.
directional lever must move through its neutral position,
Current flows from the positive side of the battery
the plugging relay
through the 35 amp fuse, and through the ar-
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