![]() TM 10-3930-631-12
b. Cleaning. Keep all external parts not requiring
3-1. General Lubrication Information
lubrication clean of lubricants. Before lubricating the
a. These paragraphs contain general lubrication
equipment, wipe all lubrication points free of dirt and
instructions and lubrication instructions which are
grease. Clean all lubrication points after lubricating to
supplemental to and not specifically covered in, the
prevent accumulation of foreign matter.
lubrication order.
c. Points of Lubrication. Service the points of
b. Refer to DA PAM 310-4 for the current
lubrication at the proper intervals as illustrated on current
lubrication order.
lubrication order.
3-2. Detailed Lubrication Information
Operation Immediately After Lubrication.
Keep all lubricants in sealed
Operate the truck through all movements for 5 minutes
containers and stored in a clean dry place away from
immediately after lubrication. Inspect filters and lines for
external heat. Allow no dust, dirt or other foreign
evidence of leakage.
material to mix with the lubricants. Keep all lubrication
equipment clean and ready to use.
possible opportunity.
3-3. General
To insure that the fork lift truck is ready to operate
3-4. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
at all times, it must be inspected systematically so that
a. This paragraph contains a tabular listing of
defects may be discovered and corrected before they
preventive maintenance services which must be
result in serious damage or failure. The necessary
performed by the operator at the indicated intervals.
preventive maintenance checks and services to be
b. Table 3-1 lists preventive maintenance services
performed by the operator are listed and described in
in item numbers listed consecutively and indicate the
sequence of minimum requirements. The intervals are
of minimum inspection requirements.
listed under services to be performed by the operator.
discovered during operation of the unit will be noted for
Columns indicate the item to be inspected, the
future correction, to be made as soon as operation has
procedure, and the paragraph reference in this manual
ceased. Stop operation immediately if a deficiency is
where the procedure is described. When operational
noted during operation which would damage the
checks are to be made, operator must be seated on seat
equipment if operation were continued. All deficiencies
and seat depressed to operate electrical circuits.
and shortcomings will be recorded together with the
corrective action taken on DA Form 2404 at the earliest
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