![]() TM 10-3930-630-34
delivered to one end of the steering cylinder. This
8-2. Steering Systems Operation
pressure forces the cylinder rod to move, rotating the
pivot arm and tie rods. The tie rods move the steering
Hydraulic oil is stored in the common reservoir and is
axle spindles, turning the wheels.
delivered to the steering valve by the hydraulic pump.
Depending on direction of turn, oil under pressure is
a. Clean all parts with cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec.
8-3. Description
P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
b. Inspect tube bore, rod head and piston for cracks,
The steering cylinder, mounted to the frame and
scratches, scoring and other damage. Repair or replace
steering axle on the left side of the truck, is a double
damaged components.
acting cylinder. It provides the main force to make
c. Replace all seals and packing.
steering of the truck easier for the operator.
d. Prior to assembling, coat all components with
clean hydraulic oil to aid in installation and provide initial
8-4. Steering Cylinder, Removal and Disassembly
a. Removal. Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12 and
8-6. Steering Cylinder, Reassembly and Installation
remove the steering cylinder and drag link.
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the steering cylinder in
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the steering cylinder
reverse numerical sequence as illustrated on figure 8-2.
in numerical sequence as illustrated on figure 8-2.
b. Installation. Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12 and
install the steering cylinder.
8-5. Steering Cylinder, Cleaning, Inspection and
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