![]() TM 10-3930-630-34
1 Screw
7 Packing
13 Bushing
19 Spring
25 Plug
2 Retaining ring
8 Wear ring
14 Dowel pin
20 Spool
26 Packing
3 Flange
9 Bushing
15 Packing
21 Cone
27 Spring
4 Seal
10 Dowel pin
16 Wearing
22 Spring
28 Spool
5 Packing
11 Drive gear
17 Plug
22 Setscrew
29 Dowel pin
6 Packing
12 Idler gear
18 Packing
24 Setscrew
30 Body
Figure 3-9. Hydraulic pump, disassembly and reassembly.
insert face down into the pump bores. Place new
turned by hand.
packing (7) and wear ring (8) on the shoulder of bushing
(9) Install setscrews (24 and 23), spring
(22), cone (21), spool (20) and spring (19) into relief
(6) Position two new drain packings (5) in
valve bore. Install new packing (18) on plug (17) and
the recesses in the face of pump body (30) and place
tighten plug until it bottoms.
new body packing (6) in its recess around the bushings.
b. Installation.
(7) Coat valve spool (28) with oil
(1) Refer to paragraph 2-14 and install
(OE/HDO) and install spring (27) on spool (28). Install
the hydraulic pump. Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12 and
spool (28) (spring end last) into the valve bore. Install
bleed the hydraulic system.
plug (25) with new packing (26).
(2) Check the hydraulic oil level. Run
(8) Install new flange oil seal (4) and
pump for one minute at no load, idle speed, to allow the
install flange (3) on pump body (30). Secure with
retaining ring (2) and screws (1). Tighten screws firmly.
Turn shaft to see if it has some drag, but can still be
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