![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
(3) Remove fuses (11 and 12) from fuseholder.
coolant temperature gage.
Remove screws (13), lockwashers (14) and nuts (15)
(7) Connect lead (1) to fuel gage and to connector
and remove fuseholder (16).
(2). Connector (4) is connected to the wire from the fuel gage
(4) Remove screws (17) and remove hourmeter
transmitter installed in the fuel tank.
(5) Remove remaining gages and ammeter (19,
(1) Install instrument panel (26, fig. 4-6) on truck
20, 21 and 22) by removing attaching parts.
frame and secure panel with screws (23 and 24) and nuts
(1) Install coolant temperature gage (19, fig. 4-7),
(2) Connect panel ground wire (29, fig. 4-7) to
fuel gage (20), oil pressure gage (21) and ammeter (22) on
instrument panel and frame. Use lockwashers (26, fig. 4-7)
instrument panel and secure with screws, nuts and
when connecting ground wire.
(2) Install hourmeter (18) and secure with screws
Internal-external teeth lockwashers (26, fig.
(3) Install fuseholder (16) on rear of instrument
interference suppression.
panel and secure with screws (13), lockwashers (14) and nuts
(15). Install fuses (11 and 12) in fuseholder.
(3) Install transmission pressure gage (22, fig. 4-6)
and connect tube leading from transmission to pressure gage.
Refer to figure 13 and check wire locations
(4) Install ignition switch (13) and plate (14).
and connections on wiring diagram.
(5) Install light switch (15) and plate (16). Connect
cable (18) to light switch. Install fuse (17) in fuseholder (21)
(4) Check tags on wiring harness (10) and connect
and connect fuseholder.
leads to instruments and fuseholder. Secure wiring harness
(6) Connect frame wiring harness (7) to panel
to panel with clamp (9) and screw (6), lockwasher (7) and nut
harness (10), fig. 4-6) and install clamps (1 and 5, fig. 4-6).
Secure clamp (5) with screw (2), lockwasher (3) and nut (4).
(5) Connect lead (4) to fuseholder and coolant
(7) Install choke control (8, fig. 4-6) and adapter
temperature gage. Use lockwashers (3) when connecting
(12). Secure adapter with screws (9), lockwashers (10) and
nuts (11). Install clamp (6) to secure choke cable.
(8) Start truck and check operation of instruments.
Internal-external teeth lockwashers (3) must
be installed to provide radio interference
Connect lead (5) between fuel gage and
4-33. General
The hydraulic lift components provide the
When the cluster cylinder center cylinder has
means to elevate the carriage and forks. Hydraulic pressure
reached the limit of travel, hydraulic pressure is delivered to
induced into the lift cylinders extend the cylinder rods in
the single lift cylinder (fig. 4-8) (model ACC40-24PS180 only).
sequence to lift the carriage, and the masts to raise the load.
The single lift cylinder is attached to the intermediate mast at
Chains attached to the cluster cylinder (fig. 4-8)
the top and to the bottom of the outer mast. The rod extends
lift the carriage to the end of chain travel The outer cylinders
from the bottom of the cylinder, raising the cylinder and
of the cluster cylinder lift the crossheads and the chains roll
intermediate mast.
over the crosshead bearings, lifting the carriage.
As the intermediate mast rises, it carries the
When the outer cylinders reach the end of their
inner mast, cluster cylinder and carriage forks upward. When
travel, the center or inner cylinder rod is forced down raising
the single lift cylinder reaches the limit of travel, the carriage
the entire cluster cylinder, carriage and inner mast.
and forks are at their 180-inch elevation.
An interlock assembly, mounted on the inner
mast serves to keep the masts in the proper sequencing
procedures. The masts telescope within each other providing
The above sequence applies to both model
a compact assembly.
ACC4024PS100 and ACC40-24PS180 lift
When the lift control lever is pulled to the rear,
trucks. On the ACC40-24PS100, the mast
or lowering position, the carriage and forks start to drop. The
at this point will have lifted the forks to their
load and/or carriage drop because of their own weight. Speed
100-inch limit.
of the lowering operation is governed by a flow regulator valve
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