![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
b. Move tilt control lever forward to aline forks
horizontally with stack or ground.
away from load and return for further loading operations
or to a parking place.
desired position.
(-18C) to a -10F (-23C), add two parts of glycol
antifreeze to five parts of water. For temperatures from
a -10F (-23C) to a -30F (-35C), add one part of
Although the truck is designed primarily for warehouse
glycol antifreeze to one part of water. Refer to TB ORD
operations, the truck could be operated under unusual
651 for the use of antifreeze solutions and cleaning
conditions as described in the following paragraphs.
compounds in engine cooling system.
When operating under these conditions, extra care must
c. Electrical System.
be provided to maintain the truck in good operating
(1) Check specific gravity of battery more
condition. To operate under these conditions, certain
additional services must be performed and certain
(2) Do not add water to the battery unless
regular maintenance procedures may be required more
the engine is going to be operated immediately.
(3) Keep battery charged as much as
Operating in Extreme Heat
possible to insure starting and prevent freezing at low
(4) Remove and store battery (on wooden
Cooling System.
base) in a warm place if truck is not going to be parked
(1) Check adjustment of fan drive belt
in a shelter.
more often to see that the deflection is correct. Belt
should deflect three-eights of an inch when pressure is
Operation in Sandy or Dusty Areas
applied midway between pulleys.
(2) Check coolant level more often and
a. Protect fuel hydraulic and lubrication
maintain level to bottom of filler neck on radiator.
systems from entrance of sand. Use a bag of single
Check radiator cap to be certain it is secure (para 3-12).
layer cloth and loosely tie bag over entire air cleaner
(3) Keep grille and radiator free of dirt and
during sand storms.
debris to insure good air circulation.
b. Clean fuel filter bowl, air cleaner, drive axle
(4) Flush and clean cooling system
breather, hydraulic reservoir breather, and oil filler
b. Electrical System.
breather daily.
c. Remove all sand from axles, wheels,
(1) Check battery electrolyte level more
spindles, radiator, and brake assemblies periodically.
often. Maintain level three-eights of an inch above
Check all parts often to prevent undue wear caused by
(2) Check specific gravity of battery (para
d. Protect lift, tilt and steering mechanisms
from entrance of sand. Cover exposed parts of lift, tilt
(3) Clean battery cables frequently.
and steering cylinder rods, lift chains, bearings, and
Operation in Extreme Cold
reservoir during sand storms.
a. Protection. The truck should be stored in a
Operation In Damp Tropical Areas
heated building or shelter if possible. If a shelter is not
available, park the truck with the front end facing the
a. Check all paint for shipping and scratching.
wind and cover with a tarpaulin. Fasten tarpaulin
Corrosive action from dampness will take place almost
securely to prevent it from blowing away.
b. Cooling System.
immediately if bare metal is exposed.
Service the cooling
b. Touch up all spots where paint is chipped
system with antifreeze as follows. For temperatures
or scratched.
from 32F (0C) to 10F (-18C), add one part of glycol
antifreeze to four parts of water. For temperature from
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