![]() tubing about three feet long through differential center to
Note. Several adjustments of both
aid manipulation during assembly.
Position axle
pinion and ring gear setting may be
housings (61) on differential housing studs. Place
necessary in the following procedure
tapered bushings (58) on studs and install nuts (55) and
before the exact thickness of gaskets
washers (56 and 57).
to be added, removed, or exchanged
(4) Turn ring gear by hand, testing for noticeable
at any stage. This is determined by
drag due to preload condition of differential bearings. If
trial and error.
no drag exists, remove gaskets (62 or 63) and repeat
test until drag is noticed. Gasket (62) is 0.005 inch
(13) Apply a thin coating of red lead to drive fce
thick, and gasket (63) is 0.0075 inch thick. Decrease
of ring gear teeth, and install axle on transmission with
total gasket thickness in 0.0025 inch steps by removing
gaskets used in step (8) above.
two 0.005 inch gaskets and adding one 0.0075 inch
(14) Remove access plate (14, fig. 7-8) from
bottom of transmission.
(5) If drag is noticeable on first trial, reverse
(15) Engage spur gear (25) with a pry bar, and turn
procedure for decreasing gasket thickness in step (4)
it until differential has made one revolution in the
above until no drag is present, then decrease total
forward direction.
gasket thickness until drag is felt. Preload will now be
(16) Remove transmission from axle. Examine
between 0. 000 inch and 0. 003 inch.
teeth of ring gear, and compare marks in red lead from
(6) Press bearings (54) and retainers (53) onto
pinion gear contact with examples shown in
axle shafts. Positioning differential with rod (see step
(3) above), enter splines of one axle shaft into side gear
(67) and install bearing retainer (49). Steady differential
Note. Ring gear is on left side of
assembly by hand and repeat installation for other axle
pinion when installed. References to
follow will be on this basis.
(7) Check pinion and ring gear backlash
adjustment as follows, before assembling axle reduction
(17) If marks in red lead compare with those
ends to differential section of the axle.
shown in view A, figure 8-3, indicating high, narrow tooth
(8) Temporarily assemble drive axle and gaskets
contact (pinion too far out), adjust by removing one or
(2 and 3, fig. 7-5) to transmission. Remove access
more gaskets (2 or 3, fig. 7-5) to move pinion in
plate (14, fig. 7-8), at bottom of transmission and
direction indicated in box adjacent to view A, figure 8-3.
remove pipe plug (75, fig. 8-1), from bottom of
Transfer one or more gaskets (62 or 63, fig. 8-1) from
differential housing (76).
left side of differential housing to right side. Repeat
(9) Turn output gearshaft (15, fig. 7-8) so one flat
steps (1) through (4) above to check results of
on nut (2) will be horizontal.
(10) Mount a dial indicator on access hole of
transmission to contact downward facing flat on the nut
Note. Do not change total thickness
at a point one inch from center line of shaft.
of gaskets (62 and (63 used; merely
(11) Through hole in differential housing from
change them from one side to the
which pipe plug was removed, insert rod, or long pipe
other as needed, so the differential
plug to hold ring gear locked.
bearing preload will not be changed.
(12) Turn output gearshaft in both directions
through backlash freedom, noting reading on dial
(18) If marks in red lead compare with those in
indicator. Reading of 0.007 inch to 0.017 inch is
view B, figure 8-3, reverse adjustment procedure given
in step (17) above. Repeat steps ( 13) through (16)
above to check results of adjustment.
(19) Reverse disassembly steps for the rest of the
assembly procedures.
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