![]() d. Before installation, disconnect motor field coil
6-8. Starting Motor Reassembly
connector from solenoid terminal and INSULATE
b. When installing drive assembly (19) on armature,
e. Connect 12 volt battery with positive lead to S
place spring (21) and drive assembly (19) on shaft of
terminal of solenoid, and negative lead to motor frame.
armature (15). Slide retainer (18) onto shaft with
Momentarily flash a jumper from solenoid M terminal to
cupped side out. Force retaining ring (17) over end of
solenoid frame. This will shift pinion of drive assembly
shaft and position it in groove provided. Position thrust
(19) into cranking position and it will remain in this
collar (16) on shaft against retaining ring. Use two pairs
position until battery is disconnected.
of pliers to force thrust collar over ring.
f. Push drive assembly pinion back toward
c. If brushes have been replaced, seat them using
commutator end to eliminate slack movement and
No. 00 sandpaper before assembling end bell (2). Blow
measure distance between drive assembly pinion and
brush particles off commutator so that they will not
retainer (18). Pinion clearance must be 0.010 to 0.140
cause short circuits.
inch. Recheck assembly if clearance is not within
required range. Disconnect battery and reconnect field
terminal to solenoid.
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