![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
Contact Point Adjustment.
d. Inspection.
With the
Inspect the shell for breaks and
distributor cap, rotor, and plate removed, and the rubbing
stripped threads.
block of movable contact at the high point of the cam,
(2) After removal ( a above), check the
check the contact point gap by inserting a 0.022 inch
spark plug insulation for breaks, cracks, or chips.
feeler gage between the contact points. If an adjustment
(3) Check for abnormal carbon deposits
is necessary, loosen the mounting screw and insert
and burned electrodes.
screwdriver blade in breaker plate opening to move the
e. Tests. Spark plugs may be tested on a spark
stationary point contact support until the proper gap is
attained. After adjustment is completed, tighten the
plug tester, using a good spark plug as standard.
f. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above.
mounting screw. Also, check points for alignment and
bend stationary point if necessary.
Use new gaskets and tighten to 25 to 30 foot-pounds of
4-36. Spark Plugs
a. Removal.
4-37. Ignition Coil
a. Replacement.
(1) Remove cables from spark plugs.
(2) Clean dirt and other foreign matter from
Disconnect primary leads and
spark plug wells and unscrew and remove spark plugs
suppressor capacitor lead at coil terminals.
and gaskets.
secondary lead from center of coil, leaving it connected
b. Cleaning.
to the distributor cap.
(1) Before removal from engine, spark
(2) Remove two attaching cap screws and
plugs may be cleaned by wiping with a dry rag.
take coil from cylinder head.
(2) After removal (a above), the spark
(3) Reverse steps (1) and (2) above to
plugs may be cleaned by sandblasting.
install coil.
c. Adjusting Gap. Adjust the spark plug gap to
b. Test. Test coil using portable or bench type
0.025 inch, using a round (wire) spark plug gage. To
coil tester according to instructions given by the maker of
obtain proper adjustment, bend the ground electrode
the tester. There is no repair of a defective coil.
Organizational maintenance of the transmission is limited
to the requirements of LO 10-3930-627-12.
release hand brake, turn knurled knob at top of lever (1,
4-39. Hand Brake
a. Adjustment.
(3) If the brake needs more adjustment
(1) Hand brake must be able to hold truck
than the knob provides, shorten the effective length of
in place when loaded to rated capacity and stopped on a
the cables (8 and 9) by adjusting the position of the nuts
15 degree incline.
at the top end of the cables. Be sure both cables apply
(2) Under conditions given above, apply
equal pressure to brakes.
hand brake and release foot brake. If truck moves,
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