![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
to remove regulator. Reverse this procedure to install
gravity reading of 1.220 or less in each cell indicates that
the regulator.
the battery must be recharged or replaced.
Note. A temperature corrected specific gravity
4-33. Battery
measurement is obtained by adding 0.004 to the actual
Caution: Note that alternator and regulator
hydrometer reading for each 10 degrees F the electrolyte
circuits have negative ground. Take special care that
is above 80 degrees F, or subtracting 0.004 from the
following procedures are used. Failure to follow these
actual hydrometer reading for each 10 degrees F the
procedures will result in burned out diodes and / or
electrolyte is below 80 degrees F.
alternator windings.
d. Cleaning. The top of the battery must be kept
When installing battery, always make
clean. Tighten vent plugs and clean battery with a brush
absolutely sure negative terminal of battery is grounded.
dipped in a solution of baking soda and water, followed
2. When connecting booster battery, make
by a thorough rinse with clear water. If terminals and
certain to connect negative battery terminals together
cable clamps are corroded, disconnect cables and clean
and positive battery terminals together.
in same manner as battery.
3. When connecting charger to battery, connect
4-34. Starter
charger positive lead to positive battery terminal and
a. Removal.
charger negative lead to negative battery terminal.
a. Removal.
(1) Disconnect one cable at the battery to
Loosen nuts which clamp cable
prevent shorting of tools against truck frame.
terminal to battery posts and remove cables from posts.
(2) Disconnect and tag all electrical leads
Do not remove caution tag from negative cable terminal.
at the starter solenoid.
Remove nuts securing battery
(3) Remove starter motor mounting screws
holddown angle, remove holddown angle and hook bolts.
and washers, and take starter motor from flywheel
Carefully lift out battery.
Caution: If battery top is wet, there is probably
b. Installation.
electrolyte present which is corrosive to metals and
(1) Position starter motor at mounting pad
destructive to clothing. Avoid contact and rinse battery
on flywheel housing.
freely with clear water.
(2) Install mounting bolts and washers and
Since charging system
components of this truck could be damaged if the battery
(3) Reconnect leads to starter solenoid.
is connected in reverse polarity, be careful to identify the
(4) Reconnect battery cable at battery.
battery posts before reconnecting cables. The ground
4-35. Distributor
cable is to be connected to the negative post.
a. Inspection.
(1) Install holddown angle and hook bolts,
(1) Inspect the distributor cap (2, fig. 4-15)
and tighten nuts on hook bolts only snug enough to hold
for cracks, carbon streaks, corroded terminals, and dirt.
battery in place. Do not draw them tight enough to exert
(2) Be certain the distributor is mounted
significant pressure on the battery case.
(2) Connect battery cables to posts.
(3) Inspect the contact points (6, fig. 4-16).
(3) Coat posts and cable clamp terminals,
Be sure they are free of burns, pits, or frosting; are
after installation, with petroleum jelly or GAA to prevent
aligned correctly; and are adjusted properly to 0.022
inch. Follow adjustment procedure in g below.
c. Specific Gravity Test. Specific gravity testing
(4) Inspect the rotor (1) for cracks and the
of the battery electrolyte determines the state of charge
metal contact strip for burned condition.
in each battery cell. Use a hydrometer and thermometer,
(5) Inspect electrodes for burns. Inspect
correcting the hydrometer reading for temperature. A
cable ports for dirt and corrosion.
corrected specific gravity reading of 1.260 to 1.280 in
(6) Inspect condenser for secure mounting
each cell indicates a fully charged battery. A specific
and frayed lead.
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