![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
(6) Following firing order, turn crankshaft
seal the rings and take another reading. If compression
one-half revolution and adjust valves for No. 3 cylinder.
is appreciably increased in the cylinder so treated, piston
Turn crankshaft one-half revolution and adjust valves for
or rings require replacement.
If no change in
No. 4 cylinder. Turn crankshaft one-half revolution and
compression occurs, check the valve mechanism. A
adjust valves for No. 2 cylinder.
low reading on two adjacent cylinders indicates the
possibility of a leak from one cylinder to the other at the
cylinder head gasket.
g. Install spark plugs and coil wire.
4-19. Crankcase Fluid Filter
a. Removal of Element.
(1) Turn spin-on filter element (2, fig. 4-4)
(2) Remove gasket and element from base
Figure 4-3. Adjusting valve clearance.
d. Installation of Cover.
(1) Clean the cover with SD.
(2) Reverse procedures in a above to
install cover using a new gasket.
4-18. Compression Test
A compression test is made to determine the need of
internal repairs before tune-up procedures are
undertaken. This test will indicate the condition of the
piston rings and valves. Compression pressure depends
1. Bracket
upon altitude, cranking speed, engine temperature, oil
2. Filter cartridge
viscosity, compression ratio, and condition of engine. An
3. Jam nut
engine without fairly even compression cannot be tuned
4. Elbow
properly. Make the test in the following manner:
5. Tee
a. Start engine and run until normal operation
6. Pressure sender
temperature is reached. Stop engine.
7. Adapter
b. Remove all spark plugs after cleaning dirt or
8. Base
other foreign matter out of plug wells.
Figure 4-4. Engine oil filter arrangement.
c. Remove and ground coil secondary wire from
b. Installation of Element. Using new filter
distributor cap to prevent accidental shocks while
element, reverse removal procedures.
cranking engine.
c. Removal of Filter.
d. Insert a compression gage in number one
(1) Disconnect hoses at filter.
spark plug hole.
(2) Loosen nut (3). Remove connector
e. With both throttle and choke fully open,
fittings 14 and 7.).
crank engine with the starting motor and record the
(3) Remove screws, lockwashers, and nuts
highest reading obtained. Do not crank engine more
securing filter bracket (1) to frame.
than is necessary (six revolutions will be sufficient).
d. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean the filter
Record readings on other cylinders in the same manner.
f. Compare pressure of the cylinders. Cylinder
pressure should not vary more than 15 psi. Should one
or more cylinders show low compression, pour enough
light engine oil on top of piston with low compression to
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