![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
Table 4-2. Troubleshooting-Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
a. Reline brakes, paragraph 4-41.
12. Hard brake pedal.
a. Glazed linings.
b. Linings do not fit drums at all points.
b. Refer to direct support for drum or
lining grinding.
a. Linkage adjustment.
a. Adjust linkage, paragraph 4-42.
13. Excessive pedal travel.
b. Low on fluid.
b. Add specified brake fluid.
14. Brakes pull to one side.
Oil or grease on drum or lining.
Check and correct source of oil, then
clean drum and replace lining,
a. Worn hydraulic parts.
15. Truck will not lift rated load.
a. Refer to direct support maintenance.
16. Truck lifts, but will not lower.
Worn or plugged hydraulic parts.
Do not move truck unnecessarily. Block load
in position and refer to direct support
10,000 ohm (nominal rating) suppression resistor (7, fig.
4-10. Methods Used to Obtain Suppression
Possible sources of radio interference on the truck are
the resistor is fitted with recessed brass wood screw
the ignition and charging systems. In addition to the
inserts, into which the cut ends of the coil-to-distributor
inherent shielding of the steel truck structure, additional
high tension cable are installed. One capacitor is
suppression is obtained by using a resistor in the ignition
connected to the switch side coil primary terminal and to
secondary circuit, a capacitor across the ignition primary
ground. One capacitor is connected to the switch
circuit, and a capacitor on the switch terminal of the
terminal of the alternator voltage regulator and to ground.
alternator voltage regulator.
4-11. Interference Suppression Components
The interference suppression components are one
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