![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
2-1. General
2-3. Inspection
a. On receiving a new truck, organizational
a. Check that everything on the packing list has
maintenance must unpack, inspect and service it as
been received.
b. Inspect truck exterior for obvious defects
given in this section.
b. For shipping, the transmission is overfilled
such as damaged paint, missing markings, or mutilated
with four extra quarts of oil. As long as this extra oil
identification plates.
c. Raise engine compartment cover and inspect
remains, the truck can be pushed or towed up to a half
mile at speeds less than two miles per hour. Do not
for oil or coolant leaks. Locate all fluid drains shown on
operate the truck without draining the excess oil from the
the current Lubrication Order and check that they are in
good condition and closed.
c. .Any defects in the truck must be referred to
2-4. Servicing the Truck
the level of maintenance indicated in the Maintenance
a. Using table 3-1, Preventive Maintenance
Allocation Chart appendix B.
Checks and Services, and paragraph 3-7 as a guide,
Removal of Preservatives and Packaging
prepare the truck for service. This procedure will begin
the cycle of regularly scheduled preventive maintenance.
b. Tires will have been over-inflated for shipping.
a. Remove all tape, paper and other packing
Check tire pressure, and if necessary bleed them down
and wrapping materials from the truck and its separately
to 100 psi inflation.
packed components.
c. Transmission will have been overfilled before
b. If forks are strapped to uprights for shipping,
shipment. Check level and drain transmission down to
carefully cut the straps and remove forks for installation.
correct level as shown on dipstick, using the method
c. Wash preservative coating from truck parts
given on the current Lubrication Order.
with SD (solvent, dry-cleaning) or some suitable solvent
such as kerosene or diesel fuel. Do not wash lubricant
from mast parts.
2-5. General
2-6. Controls
a. Engine Choke Control. On the instrument
Arrangement of controls and instruments on the truck
generally follow standard industrial truck practice. An
panel see figure 2-1. Used principally when starting a
operator with experience in operating other models of
cold engine.
b. Steering Wheel (fig. 2-1). The horn button is
fork lift trucks will be able to operate this truck with little
instruction. However, each operator must demonstrate
in the center. Press to blow horn.
his ability to use the truck efficiently before being
assigned to work with it.
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