![]() (2) Push lift control lever forward and lower
(3) Pull lift control lever back to raise load
load to floor.
to the desired height.
(3) Tilt mast forward slightly and drop forks
(4) Drive truck forward until load is above
a little so they can be withdrawn easily.
its resting place.
(4) Slowly back the truck away from the
(5) Push lift control lever forward and
carefully lower load.
d. Tier Stacking.
(16) Push tilt control lever forward to lower
forks slightly so they can be withdrawn easily.
(1) Position load in front of tiered stack.
(7) Slowly back truck away from the load.
(2) Pull tilt control lever back to tilt load
slightly to the rear.
b. Hydraulic System. Check reservoir oil filler
2-9. General
and sump strainer frequently for clogged condition. Wipe
The instructions in this section are published for the
dust and dirt from filler access area before removing the
information and guidance of the personnel responsible
sump strainer from the reservoir. Wipe dirt and dust from
for the operation of the forklift truck under unusual
the cylinder rods and seals frequently as sand and dust
are abrasives and can damage the lift and tilt cylinders.
c. Lubrication. Clean all lubrication points
2-10. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0F).
before applying lubricants.
a. See that hydraulic reservoir is filled to proper
d. Cleaning. Wipe dust and dirt from all external
level. Refer to current lubrication order. Inspect for
areas regularly.
leaks at all accessible lines, hoses, and fittings.
b. Inspect brake for proper operation.
2-13. Operation under Rainy or Humid Conditions
c. Keep battery fully charged. If the battery is
If unit is outside and not operating, protect it with a
low on electrolyte, report this condition to the proper
canvas or other waterproof covering. Remove cover
during dry periods.
Check the hydraulic reservoir
Lubricate as specified in the current
frequently for condensation. If water is present, remove
lubrication order.
and clean the return line, hydraulic line oil filter, hydraulic
e. Be extremely careful when handling hoses,
sump strainer, and the hydraulic oil reservoir. Keep the
lines, or wiring to avoid breakage.
hydraulic reservoir full to avoid condensation. Wipe
f. Wipe exposed areas dry with a clean cloth.
excess moisture from all external surfaces of the forklift
2-11. Operation in Extreme Heat
a. Make certain that hydraulic reservoir is filled
2-14. Operation in Salt-Water Areas
to proper level.
a. General. Wash the unit frequently with clean,
b. Inspect lines, and fittings for breaks or leaks.
fresh water. Do not contaminate hydraulic system or
c. Inspect battery for low electrolyte level.
damage electrical components.
b. Protection. Coat exposed metal surfaces
2-12. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
with rust-proofing material. Remove rust immediately
a. Protection. Shield the forklift truck from dust
and apply paint or oil as applicable.
and sand as much as possible when not in use. Take
advantage of natural barriers, which offer protection from
dust and sand.
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