![]() e. Accelerator Pedal. Pressure on this foot
2-3. Controls and Instruments
pedal controls the speed of the vehicle.
a. Steering Wheel. The steering wheel controls
f. Brake Pedal. Pressure on this foot pedal
vehicle movement to the right or left.
controls the braking of the vehicle.
b. Directional Shift Lever This three-position
g. Hour Meter. This instrument indicates the
control determines the forward and reverse direction of
total number of hours of vehicle operation.
vehicle movement. Center position is neutral. Forward
h. Light Switch. This switch controls the vehicle
position (away from operator) allows forward motion.
Back position (toward operator) allows backward
i. Seat. The seat is connected to a "dead
c. Tilt Control Lever. The tilt of the mast is
man's" switch. The truck will not move unless the
operator is on the seat. The mechanical brake is
controlled by this three-position control. Pushing the
automatically applied when the operator's weight is
lever forward causes the mast to tilt forward (away from
removed from the seat.
the operator). Pulling the lever back causes the mast to
j. Emergency Stop Switch. The button of this
tilt back. Center position is neutral.
d. Lift Control Lever. The height of the forks is
switch must be lifted before the truck will move.
controlled by this three-position control. Pulling the lever
back raises the forks. Pushing the lever forward lowers
the forks. Center position is neutral.
pedal and the truck will move.
2-4. General
a. The instructions in this section are published
2-6. Stopping
a. Remove foot from accelerator pedal.
for the information and guidance of the personnel
b. Press brake pedal until truck comes to a
responsible for the operation of the forklift truck.
b. The operator must know how to perform
complete stop.
c. Set directional shift lever in neutral position.
every operation of which the forklift truck is capable. This
d. For emergency stop, push down emergency
section contains instructions on starting and stopping the
forklift truck, on operation of the forklift truck, and on
stop button.
coordinating the basic motions to perform the specific
2-7. Plugging
tasks for which the equipment is designed. Since nearly
Plugging is the term applied to slowing down truck travel
every job presents a different problem, the operator may
by providing a small amount of motor braking torque for
have to vary given procedures to fit the individual job.
deceleration. To plug the truck, move the directional
shift lever to the position opposite the direction of travel,
and depress accelerator pedal. This will provide a soft
The operator must be alert at all
reverse stopping action.
times while operating the forklift
2-8. Load Handling
Failure to observe this
a. Picking Up Load.
warning can result in serious injury
(1) Approach load squarely with forks at
or death to the operator or other
correct height and spaced to divide load evenly.
(2) Move forward until forks are completely
under the load.
2-5. Starting
(3) Pull back on the tilt control lever and
a. Check that the daily preventive maintenance
then the lift control lever to raise load.
services (para 3-4 are completed.
b. Moving Load.
Check that the forklift truck has been
(1) Pull tilt control lever to tilt load toward
lubricated as specified in the current lubrication order.
c. Mount the truck and take position in seat.
(2) Slowly back the truck away from the
d. Depress brake pedal and hold until ready to
move the truck.
(3) Using lift control lever, place load at
e. Check that battery connector latch is closed
travel height (about I foot).
and lift the emergency stop button.
(4) Move load to desired location.
f. Pull lift control until forks are two or more
c. Depositing Loads.
inches above the floor.
(1) Using tilt control lever, set load parallel
g. Push directional shift lever forward to move
to floor.
truck ahead; pull back to move truck in reverse.
h. Release brake pedal and press accelerator
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