![]() rocking it slightly so the seal ring enters smoothly
Install the ball (48) and make sure it rests on the
without being cut.
top of the spring.
(11) Insert the mounting plate locator bushing
(3) Place the check valve seat (47) on a hex
(38) with the large OD chamfer up, partially into
wrench and install it in the check valve bore so that
the housing. Rotate the hushing to seat it smoothly
the machined counterbore of the seat is properly
against the sleeve-spool assembly.
seated with the ball. Tighten check seat to 150 in.
(12) Install new mounting plate seal (37) and
Ibs. Check the ball action by pushing the ball
shaft seal (23) into the mounting plate (36). Push
against the spring force with a small pin.
each seal carefully into the seal groove with the
Note. The hall does not have to be snug against the seat
fingers. The seal grooves are slightly smaller than
to function properly.
the seals to provide adequate sealing. Then thin oil
(4) Carefully install the spool (43) within the
seal (39) at the outside of the mounting plate must
sleeve (44). Make sure that the spring slots of both
he pressed into the counterbore with the lip facing
parts are at the same end. Rotate the spool carefully
while sliding the parts together. Test for free
(13) Place the mounting plate, with seals
rotation. The spool must rotate smoothly within the
installed, over the spool shaft and slide it down over
sleeve with fingertip force applied at the splined
the locator bushing, carefully, so the seals will not
he disturbed.
(5) With the spring slots of the spool and the
(14) Aline the bolt holes in the mounting plate
sleeve aligned, stand the part on end and insert the
(36) with the tapped holes in the housing (501.
spring installation tool through the slots in both
Make sure the mounting plate is flush against the
parts. Position 3 pairs of centering springs (42) (or
end of the housing assembly so the locator bushing
2 sets of 3 each) on the bench so that the extended
is not cocked. Install the four mounting plate
edges are down and the arched center sections are
capscrews and tighten them gradually and evenly to
together. In this position, insert one end of the
a torque value of 250 in. Ibs.
entire spring set into the spring installation tool.
(15) Reposition the housing assembly in the
(6) Compress the extended end of the cen-
vise with the 14-hole surface facing up, and clamp
tering spring set and push it into the spool-sleeve
across the edges of the mounting plate. Make sure
assembly. while withdrawing the installation tool.
the spool and sleeve are flush or slightly below the
Make sure the springs are centered in the assembly,
surface of the housing.
so they can be pushed down evenly and flush with
(16) Wipe the end surfaces of the housing
the upper edges of the spool and sleeve.
clean with the palm. Clean each flat mating surface
(7) Install the centering pin (40) through the
in a similar way for reassembly.
sleeve-spool assembly and push it into place until
(17) PIace the plate (33) on the housing
the centering pin is flush or slightly below the sleeve
assembly. aligning the bolt holes in the plate with
diameter at both ends.
the tapped holes in the housing.
(8) Place the housing (50) on a solid surface
(18) Place the metering ring gear (31) on the
with the port face down. Install the sleeve-spool
assembly. aligning the bolt holes.
assembly with the splined end entering the 14-hole
(19) Install the splined end of the drive (34)
end of the housing first. Push the parts gently into
into the rotor (32), with the slot at the control end
place. flush with the 14-hole end of the housing,
of the drive aligned with the valleys between the
with a slight rotating motion. Do not push the
rotor teeth.
assembly beyond the flush point, because the
(20) Push the splined end of the drive through
centering pin may drop into the discharge groove of
the rotor until the spline extends one-half its length
the housing.
beyond the rotor. Hold it in this position while
Caution: B e e x t r e m e l y c a r e f u l n o t t o
installing it in the valve unit. Note the position of
cock the spool-sleeve assembly out of position
the centering pin (40) within the valve unit. This
as it enters the housing. It must enter straight to
pin engages the slot in the drive. Hold the plate and
avoid scoring.
ring gear so they do not move out of position.
(9) Check the assembly for free rotation
Install the drive and rotor assembly into the valve
within the housing by turning the assembly with
unit and carefully position the parts so the drive
light finger force at the splined end. Hold the parts
does not become disengaged from the rotor. Rotate
in position and place t h e 1 4 - h o l e e n d o f t h e
the drive and rotor (34 and 32) slightly, to align the
assembly down against a wooden block or flat
slot in the drive with the centering pin.
Caution: Alinement of the cross slot in
the drive with the valleys between the teeth of
(10) Install the seal ring (45) on the check
the rotor determines the proper valve timing of
valve seal plug (46) and install the plug in the
the control valve unit. There are 12 teeth on the
housing (50). Exert a steady pressure on the plug,
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