![]() (4) Make alinement marks on the mounting
centering disc (41). Push the centering spring (42)
plate (36) and the column flange (22) to ensure
out of the spot in the spool (43).
correct reassembly. Remove the capscrews (13)
(17) With a small bent tool or wire, remove the
and clips (14) securing the column (22) to the
seal ring (45) and seal plug (46) from the housing.
mounting plate (36) and separate the two
Do not pry against the edge of the hole in the
housing bore.
(5) If service of the column is necessary,
(18) Clamp the housing in the vise, control end
up. Unscrew the check valve seal (47) with a 3/16
(a) Remove the retaining ring (15) and the
in. hex wrench. Remove the housing from the vise.
(19) Turn the housing over and with the check
first snap ring (16). Push the shaft (19) free of the
valve hole toward the lowest corner, tap it lightly
tube (22) with thumb pressure.
(b) Remove the bearing (17) and remaining
with the palm to remove the check valve seat (47),
ball (48). and spring (49) from the housing (50).
snap ring (18).
d. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(6) Remove the contact ring (20) and the
(1) Carefully clean the parts with a suitable
insulator (21) from the tube and flange (22).
solvent and allow them to air dry. Place the parts
Remove the seal (23).
on clean paper towels. Be careful not to use any
(7) Remove the capscrews (24), horn brush
rags which have loose lint or threads,
assembly (25). lead (26). and connector (27).
(2) Inspect the surfaces of all moving parts for
(8) With plugs in the ports of the valve unit,
scoring, excessive w e a r , o r damage. Smooth
clean the exterior with a wire brush to eliminate the
burnished surfaces are normal in many areas. Do
possibility of paint or dirt particles getting inside
not mistake this condition for excessive wear.
the unit.
(3) Slightly scored surfaces can be cleaned up
(9) Remove the plugs and clamp the valve unit
by hand rubbing with 600-grit abrasive paper.
in a vise with the meterity end up. Use a smooth
Replace any defective or excessively worn parts.
jawed wise or use sheets of soft metal on the jaws to
Replace all seals with new seals.
protect the valve unit surfaces. Remove the cap-
(4) Polish the flat surfaces of the metering
screws (28) which secure the cap (29) and the gear
section of the control valve.
plate and drive assembly.
(a) Place a piece of 600-grit abrasive paper
(10) Remove the cap (29) and the spacer (30).
face up on a piece of plate glass or a similar smooth,
Remove the gear plate and drive assembly from the
flat surface.
valve housing (50). Remove the rotor ring gear
(b) Clean the ends of the rotor by stroking it
(31). the rotor (32). and the plate (33) from the
across the abrasive. This will also remove any sharp
drive (34).
grit which could scratch other components.
(11) Remove the control unit from the vise and
(c) Lightly clean up both sides of the ring
check for free rotation of the control spool and
gear, both sides of the plate, the 14-hole end of the
sleeve parts with the steering column shaft.
housing, and the flat side of the end cap. Stroke
(12) Place a clean wooden block across the
each surface across the abrasive severaI times and
vise throat to support spool parts and clamp unit
check the results. Any small bright area indicates a
across port face with control end up. Remove the
burr, which must be removed. When polishing the
capscrews (3.5) which secure mounting plate.
parts, hold them as fiat as possible against the
(13) Hold the spool assembly down against the
abrasive. After 6 to 10 strokes across the abrasive,
wooden block and lift off mounting plate (36).
check the part to see if it is polished.
(14) Remove the seal (37) and the mounting
(d) After each part is polished. rinse it clean
plate locator bushing (38). Remove seal (39).
in solvent, dry it with compressed air, and place it
(15) Place the port surface of the housing
w h e r e i t w i l l remain absolutely clean for
secureIy on a solid surface and remove the spool-
sleeve assembly (40-44) from the 14-hole end of the
e. Reassembly.
(1) Lubricate all of the parts lightly with clean
Caution: Use extreme care when
hydraulic oil.
removing these parts, because they are very
(2) Install the housing (50, fig. 4-27) in a vise
closely fitted and must be rotated slightly as
with the control end up and the 14-hole end resting
they are withdrawn.
on a clean wooden block. Clamp it lightly across the
(16) Remove the centering pin (40) from the
port surface and install the check valve spring (49)
sleeve (44). Push inside the lower edge of the spool
into the bore with the large end of the spring down.
(43) to move it toward the splined end and remove
the spool carefully from the sleeve. Remove the
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