![]() 4-18. Steering Gear Assembly
(3) Disconnect the hydraulic lines at the
steering control valve, plug the lines and ports to
a. Adjustment. Release the upper steering
keep out dirt, and tag the lines for identification.
column support and notice whether the column
(4) Disconnect the horn button wire at the
moves to a different position. If it moves, it should
be clamped in its new position or the position
(5) Remove the capscrews which secure the
should be corrected at the mounting bracket on the
steering column a n d v a l v e a s s e m b l y t o t h e
vehicle. If the column has been bent due to
mounting bracket. Remove the upper column
misalignment, it must be replaced.
b. Removal.
support and remove the steering column and valve
assembly from the truck. Place it in a clean work
(1) Remove the floor plate and the toe plate.
area for disassembly.
(2) Disconnect the shift linkage at the trans-
c. Disassembly.
mission. Refer to figure 4-26.
(1) Remove the horn button (2, fig. 4-27) and
rubber cover (1) by pushing down and turning it
(2) Remove the born button contact cup (3),
spring (4), and cap (5). Remove the terminal from
the lower end of the horn wire and pull the wire and
ferrule (6) from the column. Remove the capscrews
(7), plate (8), spring (9), and washer (10).
(3) Remove the nut (11) which secures the
steering wheel (12) to the shaft. Using a suitable
puller, pull the wheel from the shaft.
Figure 4-26. Steering valve.
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