![]() e. Installation. Install the rear axle assembly by
(3) Turn the steering wheel full right and
measure the angle of travel of the wheels. The right
reversing the removal procedure. Tighten the axle
wheel must have rotated 54 to 56 and the left
mounting housing capscrews to a torque of 125 to
wheel, 75 to 80. Adjust the left stop bolt of the
135 ft lbs.
f. Adjustment.
pivot arm to obtain correct rotation. Turn the
steering wheel full left and repeat the adjustment
(1) Raise the rear of the truck so the steer
using the right stop bolt.
wheels clear the floor and block the truck securely
in position.
(4) Start the engine and check the operation of
the steering system. When all adjustments are
(2) Position the steer wheels straight ahead,
correct, the stop bolts on the pivot arm should
parallel with the side of the truck frame. Measure
contact the axle before the piston bottoms at either
the distance between the centers of the steer wheel
treads, at the rear of the tires and at the front of the
end of the power steering cylinder.
tires. The measurements should be equal. If they
(5) Stop the engine and lower the truck to the
are not. a d j u s t t h e t i e r o d s t o o b t a i n e q u a l
measurements (zero toe-in ).
4-10. General
b. Disassembly.
(1) Secure the master cylinder in a vise. Be
The hydraulic brake system consists of a master
careful not to tighten the vise excessively, which
cylinder, lines, two wheel cylinders, shoes, and
could distort the cylinder or crack the casting.
related parts. The brake components at the wheels
(2) Remove the boot (1, fig. 4-19) and the
arc located between dust shields at each drive
push rod (2).
wheel. The wheel cylinders are double-end type.
(3) Pry out the lock ring (3) holding the
They transfer movement through links to the
piston assembly (6) in position.
bottom of the brake shoes. The top of the brake
(4) Carefully remove the plate (4), seal (5),
shoes move freely against wear plates, held there
piston assembly (6), cup (7), retainer (8), spring
only by the tension springs. The brakes are self
(9), valve (10), and the seal (11).
adjusting, with a friction slide assembly in each
(5) Working from the other end of the
wheel. The friction in the slide assembly is great
cylinder. remove the bolt (12). copper gaskets (13),
enough to prevent the springs from collapsing it,
and fitting (14).
but not great enough to prevent wheel cylinder
(6) Remove the filler cap (15) and gasket (16)
pressure from expanding it.
from the body (17).
4-11. Master Cylinder
a. Removal. Refer to TM 10-3930-624-12.
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