![]() wires as necessary.
4-12. Radio Interference Suppression
a. Primary Suppression Components. The primary
4-14. Testing of Radio Interference Suppression
suppression components are those whose primary
function is to suppress radio interference.
b. Secondary Suppression Components.
Test and inspect the spark plugs as outlined in
components have radio interference functions which are
wire by connecting an ohmmeter to each end of the
incidental or secondary to their primary functions.
wire. If the meter reads an infinite resistance, the wires
Replacement of Suppression Components
have an open or break and should be replaced.
Replace the radio interference suppression components
by replacing the spark plugs or ignition
(7) Repeat the same procedure for all six
Engine Test and Adjustments
cylinders; each cylinder should be tested the same
a. General. Proper clearance (lash) between rocker
number of compression strokes to assure accurate
arms and end of intake and exhaust valve stems is very
important. Insufficient valve clearance will cause loss of
(8) Replace all spark plugs and wires in the
compression, misfiring, and will eventually cause
proper positions; replace the high tension lead on the
burning of valves and valve seats. Excessive valve
clearance will cause faulty engine operation, valve
tappet noise, and rapid wear on valve operating
c. Adjustment.
(1) Remove rocker arm cover, gasket, and high
b. Compression Testing.
tension wire from ignition coil. Discard the gasket.
(1) Be certain the ignition switch is in the OFF
(2) Starting with number one cylinder, crank
engine with starter motor until both valves are closed
and the push rods are in their lowest position on the
(2) Remove the high tension wire from the center
of the distributor.
(3) Check the clearance between rocker arms
(3) Remove the spark plug wires, and remove all
and valve stems with a 0.015 inch feeler gage. It should
spark plugs.
pass between the rocker arm and corresponding valve
(4) Put the transmission in NEUTRAL.
stem with a slight amount of drag when valve lash is
properly adjusted.
(5) Insert compression test gage in spark plug
(4) Adjust each valve by turning the adjusting
screw clockwise to decrease the clearance or
(6) Crank engine for at least four compression
counterclockwise to increase the clearance, as
strokes. Note reading on first full stroke as well as on
necessary. Refer to figure 4-2.
final stroke. Gage should read 125 psi, plus or minus 10
psi between cylinders.
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