![]() periods of time. When practical, park the truck under
(2) Operate the hydraulic units with care until the
cover to protect it from sun, sand, and dust.
units have reached a temperature to enable them to
operate normally.
(2) Cover the truck with a tarpaulin if suitable
shelter is not available. Protect the engine compartment
(3) Check all truck operations to be sure all
from sand accumulation.
components are in operating condition.
(3) In hot, damp climates, corrosive action will
g. Parking.
occur on all parts of the truck and will be accelerated
(1) Park the truck on high ground if possible.
during the rainy season. Rust and paint blisters will
Prepare a footing of planks or brush if necessary to keep
appear on metal surfaces and fungus growth on other
the wheels from freezing to the ground. Chock the
wheels and set the parking brake. Place blocks under
(4) Protect all unfinished exposed metal surfaces
the forks to prevent the forks from freezing to the
with a film of preservative. Protect cables and terminals
with ignition insulation compound.
Apply paint or
(2) Clean all mud, snow, and ice from the truck to
suitable rust preventive to damaged surfaces to protect
prevent freezing. Park the truck under cover, or cover
from rust and corrosion.
the truck with a tarpaulin if possible. Insure that the
2-12. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
ends of the tarpaulin will not freeze to the ground.
a. General. Operation of the truck may cause dust
2-11. Operation in Extreme Heat
in almost any area. However, when operating in dusty
a. General. Continuous operation of the truck in
or sandy areas additional precautions must be taken.
high temperatures may cause the truck to overheat.
b. Cooling System. Keep the cooling system fins
Frequently observe the engine temperature and stop the
and cooling areas clean. Blow out with compressed air,
truck for a cooling off period whenever necessary.
if possible, whenever necessary.
b. Cooling System. Make frequent inspections of
c. Fuel System. Use care when servicing the fuel
the fan and radiator. Keep the coolant level one inch
system to prevent dust and sand from entering the tank.
from the top of the radiator; use care when opening
radiator cap. Check the radiator fins for accumulation of
d. Air System. Service the air cleaner at frequent
dust, sand, and insects which could block the cooling
intervals. Prevent dust and sand from entering engine
parts and compartment as much as possible.
(1) Formation of scale and rust in the cooling
e. Lubrication. Lubricate the truck in accordance
system occurs more rapidly in extremely high
with the current lubrication order. Lubricate and perform
temperatures. Change the antifreeze each year to keep
services at much shorter intervals than normal. Clean
the corrosion inhibitor at full strength. (Refer to TB 750-
all lubrication fittings before applying lubricant. Sand
mixed with a lubricant becomes very abrasive and
(2) If necessary, flush the cooling system
increases wear on parts.
periodically to keep the passages clear. Avoid the use
f. Parking. Protect the truck as much as possible.
of water with high alkali content which increases scale
Park the truck under cover or protect with tarpaulins.
and rust formations.
Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions
c. Battery. Check the level of the electrolyte daily.
Keep the electrolyte above the plates to prevent
a. General. Operation under rainy or
damage to the battery. Use a slightly weaker electrolyte
conditions is similar to that in extreme heat.
solution in hot climates. Dilute 1.280 specific gravity
b. Preservation. Keep all exposed bare metal
electrolyte as issued, to 1.200 to 1.240 specific gravity
surfaces coated with a preservative. Pay particular
reading at full charge. Recharge the battery at 1.160
attention to damaged or unpainted surfaces. Cover all
specific gravity. The battery will self discharge at a
paint cracks and chip marks as soon as possible to
higher rate if left standing for long periods of time at
prevent corrosive effects.
high temperatures.
Operation in Salt Water Areas
d. Fuel System.
Service the fuel system as
directed in paragraph 3-4, Preventive Maintenance.
a. General. The corrosive effect of salt water and
Check the fuel for water content before filling the fuel
salt water spray is very extensive. When operating in
High temperatures and cooling off cause
salt water areas, observe the following precautions.
condensation in storage drums.
b. Preservation.
e. Lubrication. Lubricate as specified in the current
(1) When exposed to salt water, rinse with fresh
lubrication order.
water, and dry the truck thoroughly as soon as possible.
f. Parking.
(1) Do not park the truck in the sun for long
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