![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
After seat is properly narrowed,
dress with original seat angle stones
to remove burrs or feather edges
1. Assemble flywheel housing to cylinder block (62)
with ring dowels (48), screws (49 and 50) and
lockwashers (51). Mating surfaces must be clean to
1. Replace tappets (8, figure 4-23) into cylinder
reduce flywheel housing runout. Torque to 50-55 foot-
block in order from which they were removed.
2. Set valve springs (5) and retainers (6) in valve
2. Assemble dial indicator to end of crankshaft to
check flywheel housing face and bore runout. Maximum
3. Coat valve stems with light coating of OE-30
indicator reading is 0.008 inch for both face and bore.
engine oil. Insert intake valves (1) and exhaust valves
Rotate crankshaft to check.
(2) in position from which they were removed.
4. Use a valve spring compressor tool to lift springs
and retainers. Assemble retainer locks (7) to valve stem
If runout exceeds 0.008 inch, remove
and release spring compressor.
housing and check for dirt or burrs
between housing and cylinder block.
Excessive runout
Rotate crankshaft until camshaft lob
affects life of transmission bearings.
is at its lowest position under tappet
and valve being assembled.
3. Install flywheel on crankshaft. Secure with nuts
(9) and lock washers (10, figure 4-28). Torque nuts to
5. With camshaft lob and tappet in lowest position,
35 to 40 foot-pounds.
initially set valve clearance.
Hold tappet with one
wrench while adjusting self-locking adjustment screw
Flywheel screws (8) are pressed into
with second wrench. Adjust intake valve for 0.014 inch
crankshaft (37) prior to installing
clearance and exhaust valve for 0.017 inch.
4. Assemble dial indicator to flywheel hous ing to
Final valve adjustment is made with a
measure flywheel runout. Check torque convertor bolt
hot static engine.
Adjust exhaust
surface and counterbore (inner side wall). Maximum
valve clearance to 0.020 inch
runout must not exceed 0.008 inch. (see figure 6-6).
clearance and adjust intake valve
clearance to 0.012 inch.
6. Loosely assemble valve cover (15, figure 4-22)
and gasket (60) to prevent entrance of foreign matter.
1. Press oil shaft bushing (20, figure 4-26) into
pump body (19) if inspection indicates replacement.
6-32. FLYWHEEL REASSEMBLY. Replace ring gear
2. Assemble drive gear (4) to shaft (18) with pin
(11, figure 4-28) if inspection showed need for removal.
Replace gear as follows:
Replacement gear (4) is supplied with
1. Heat ring gear in suitable oven, to insure uniform
only one pin hole. Align gear with
heating, to a maximum temperature of 400 deg F (bluish
shaft hole and drill through second
side of gear.
Heat ring gear evenly at all points
3. Assemble driven gear (13) to drive shaft with
and do not allow Heat ring gear
woodruff key (15) and idler gear (16) and shaft (17) to
evenly at all points and do not allow
pump body.
the temperature to exceed 400 deg F.
4. Check clearance between pump body and
If ring gear is heated unevenly, it may
gears. Clearance to be 0.001 to 0.003 inch.
crack. If temperature exceeds 400
5. With straight edge across pump cover bolt
deg F, the temper in the ring gear
surface, check for 0.0015 to 0.006 inch clearance
might be destroyed.
between gear sides and straight edge.
2. Assemble ring gear to flywheel (7) with beveled
6. Assemble cover (11) and gasket (12) to body
side of teeth to engine side of flywheel. Make sure ring
with two screws (8) in idler gear end.
gear seat is clean and ring gear is fully seated before
gear chills.
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