![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
2. Remove drain plug (37) from outside bottom of
fuel bowl.
1. Remove four bowl to body screw and
3. Remove discharge jet (40) and fiber washer
lockwasher assemblies (1, figure 4-20) which attach
throttle body (14) to bowl (33).
4. Remove main jet (42) and fiber washer (43) from
2. Raise throttle body (14) slightly and separate
bottom of fuel bowl.
bowl to body gasket from fuel bowl and then remove
5. Remove well vent (45) from center of large
throttle body assembly being careful not to damage
opening in machined surface of the fuel bowl.
6. Close choke and scribe across choke lever (23),
3. Invert throttle body assembly and remove float
choke bracket (27) and across air intake adjacent to
pin (19) from slotted end of hinge bracket, using
lever as a guide to correct re-assembly.
screwdriver to force pin through slotted end of hinge
7. Remove choke lever spring (22).
bracket. Complete removal of pin from opposite side,
8. Remove choke plate screw and lockwasher
then remove float assembly (18) and fuel valve needle
assemblies (21) and choke plate (20).
(part of 16).
9. Remove choke bracket screws, lockwashers
4. Remove bowl to body gasket (2) from machined
and choke bracket (23 through 32).
surface of throttle body, and remove venturi (46).
10. Drive out shaft hole plug (34), using a 6 inch
5. Remove fuel valve seat (part of 16) and fiber
length of 1/4 inch rod inserted through opposite shaft
washer (17) from throttle body.
6. Remove idle jet (44) from passage in machined
11. To remove choke shaft seal (35) and retainer
surface of throttle body near fuel valve seat, using small
(36), screw a 5/16 inch fine thread tap into packing
retainer until firmly seated, then insert long punch or rod
7. Remove idle adjusting needle (3) and friction
through opposite shaft hole and drive punch against end
spring (4) from side of throttle body.
of tap until retainer is free of air intake body. Remove
8. Back out throttle stop screw (9) until threaded
retainer and packing from tap and repeat at opposite
end is flush with throttle lever. Close throttle and mark
shaft hole.
across throttle body and throttle lever as a guide to
correct re-assembly of parts.
4-79. STARTER. Determine, by performing applicable
9. File off riveted or peened end of throttle plate
tests in Section VII, degree of disassembly necessary to
screws (6) flush with throttle shaft (7), being careful not
restore the starter to operating condition, then
to damage throttle plate (5) or throttle body bore.
disassemble only as far as necessary according to the
Remove throttle plate screws and throttle plate.
following steps.
10. Remove throttle shaft and stop lever assembly
from throttle body and drive out shaft hole plug (11),
1. Disconnect field coils (47, figure 4-21) from
using a 6 inch length of 1/4 inch rod inserted through
solenoid (15) terminal.
opposite shaft hole.
2. Remove through bolts (2); then separate
11. To remove shaft hole seal (13 and 15) and
commutator end bell (1) from starter housing (49).
retainer (12), screw a 5/16 inch fine thread taper tap into
3. Remove solenoid (15) and shift lever (27); then,
seal retainer until firmly seated, then insert long punch or
remove screw (32) and washer (33) to free center
rod through opposite shaft hole and drive punch against
bearing plate (41). Take armature (34) with attached
end of tap until retainer is free of throttle body.
parts from drive end bell (24).
4. Remove drive thrust collar (36), retaining ring
(37), and take drive assembly (39), stop collar (38) and
remaining parts shown from armature shaft.
1. Remove main passage plug (38, figure 4-20)
assemblies are serviced as a unit. Do not disassemble.
and fiber washer (39) from bottom of fuel bowl.
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