TM 10-3930-623-34
3. Support transmission on a floor jack or dolly to
bearing (61 ) and behind forward (front) cluster gear
relieve weight on its attaching parts and make removal
(63). Draw forward gearshaft (65) out through front of
case with needle bearing (45).
4. Free hoses (1 and 2, figure 4-11) by loosening
8. Remove screws and washers (72 and 73),
and sliding clamps up hoses. Leave clamps on hoses
keeper (71), retaining ring (75) and retaining ring (64) in
for reuse and pull hoses from adapters (13).
front of reverse (rear) cluster gear (63). Slide reverse
gearshaft (77) forward and remove last retaining ring
5. Remove flywheel housing top access plate.
Rotate flywheel as required to remove the six screws (6),
lock washers (7) and flat washers (8) attaching the
9. Remove reverse drive gearshaft (77) through
torque converter (5) flexible drive disk to the flywheel.
front of case, and take gears (63) out through top of
case. Remove bearings (61 and 74).
6. Disconnect all inching and shifting linkage from
top of transmission assembly.
10. Draw output gearshaft (66). Remove bearing
(69 and 70) from case. Remove retaining ring (67) and
7. Remove 12 cap screws and washers (3 and 4)
spur gear (68).
attaching transmission to engine assembly.
11. Remove screws, washers and idler shaft keeper
8. Draw transmission forward from engine and
(79, 80 and 81) and withdraw shaft (58), bearings (83),
remove from under truck.
retaining ring (84) and gear (82).
4-57. DISASSEMBLY. Disassemble the transmission
only in a clean area where dirt or dust will not
contaminate the unit. Mounting the assembly in a
holding stand will make working on the transmission
4-59. REMOVAL. The clutch assembly has been
easier, but this is not essential to the job. The torque
removed from the transmission during transmission
converter cannot be disassembled. To disassemble the
disassembly (refer to paragraph 4-57).
transmission for overhaul proceed as follows:
1. Remove eight screws and washers (6 and 7,
1. Remove both retaining rings (1, figure 4-15),
two screws (10), washers (11) and remove strainer
clutch cylinders (4 and 11), all screws (2 and 8) and
element (9) and gasket (12).
washers (9).
2. Remove relief valve components (items 13, 14,
2. Remove bearings (6 and 10), rings (12 and 14),
15, and 16), gage (17) and tube (18).
piston (15) and springs (16). Remove clutch plates (17
and 18) from pressure plate (19).
3. Remove and disassemble transmission pump
(items 19 through 34).
4. Remove five screws (36), three screws (37) and
4-62. REMOVAL.
The transmission control valve
eight washers (38), and take transmission case front half
removal instructions are given in paragraph 4-57, step 5.
(35) and gasket (41) from case rear half (85). Remove
bearing (39) from case front half.
5. Remove clutch (44) and seals (42 and 43) from
1. Invert valve from position shown. Remove pipe
case. Remove screws (47 and 48), washers (49),
plug (1, figure 4-16), screws and washers (3 and 4),
transmission valve assembly (46) and gasket (50) from
valve bedplate and gasket (2 and 5).
case rear half.
2. Remove screw and washer (7 and 8), be dplate
(6) and gasket (9). Spring, ball and bushing (10, 11 and
12), and the piston stops (13, 22 and 27) are now
Eight screws (47), 1-1/8 inches long,
uncovered. Remove them.
and four screws (48), 2-1/4 inches
long, are used. Note which holes
3. Remove retainer screws (16), washers (17),
receive the long screws so they may
springs (18 and 20) and pistons (19 and 21).
be replaced in the proper holes.
6. Remove two screws (52), keeper (51), shim
4. Remove seals (15 and 24), plunger (14), springs
(53), bearing (54 and 55) and spacers (56 and 57).
(25 and 26) and pistons (23 and 28).
7. Remove six screws and washers (59 and 60),
bearing retainer (58), retaining rings (64) in front of
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