![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
column support bracket.
Tighten pinch bolt in flexible
c. Remove screws, nuts and washers
attaching steering column support bracket to instrument
panel, and lift steering column from splined stub shaft on
b. Reinstall shift lever support on steering
steering gear.
column, and reconnect horn wire at connector under
instrument panel.
3. To remove the steering gear:
a. Remove nut and washer, and pull tie rod
2. To install the steering gear:
end on drag link from tapered hole in pitman arm.
a. Place steering gear in position at
mounting bracket, entering stub shaft splines into flexible
It may be necessary to use a puller to
coupling, and install mounting screws and lock washers
separate tie rod end and pitman arm.
through bracket into gear.
Do not use a hammer on tie rod end,
b. Carefully turn steering wheel to one
so threads will not be damaged.
extreme of travel, then counting the number of turns,
turn it to the opposite limit. Now turn wheel to midpoint
of travel (straight ahead travel position). Pitman arm
b. Disconnect pressure and return hoses at
should now be pointing straight down. If it is not, pull
steering gear. Cap hoses and plug ports in gear to keep
arm from sector gear shaft and reposition arm to point
out dirt.
straight down with gear in straight ahead position.
c. Remove screws and washers at gear
c. Install pressure and return hoses in gear,
mounting bracket, and take gear from truck.
and attach drag link tie rod end to pitman arm with lock
washer and nut. Replace truck floor plate, and road test
operation of steering.
1. To install the steering column:
a. Hold steering gear in installed position,
6-75. REMOVAL.
with flexible coupling engaged with gear stub shaft, and
1. Remove truck floor plate (para 6-19) and
attach steering column to instrument panel with steering
disconnect tube (1, fig. 6-6) at fitting (29).
2. Unscrew push rod. (33 add clevis (24).
3. Remove screws (2 2) and washers (23) and take
master cylinder from truck.
1. Install master cylinder on bracket (21) with
screws (22) and washers (23).
2. Connect push rod clevis (24) to brake pedal
assembly (11) with pin (17) and cotter pin (18).
3. Connect brake tubing (1) to master cylinder.
4. Replace truck floor plate (para 6-20).
5. Bleed brake system (para 5-41).
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