![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
4. Using a new gasket at the mounting flange,
attach fuel pump to crankcase with nuts and lock
Install pump-to-carburetor fuel line, and
5. Screw fuel filter onto pump inlet fitting, connect
fuel line from tank, open fuel shutoff valve at tank and
check installation for fuel leaks. Start engine and check
operation of linkage.
6-68. REMOVAL.
1. Remove the radiator cover, drain the cooling
system, and disconnect the coolant bypass hose (see
2. Remove truck radiator (paragraph 6-60), to
protect it against damage during work.
3. Remove cap screws and lock washers attaching
belt tension idler and alternator adjusting straps to water
pump. Slack off adjustments and remove both drive
4. Remove nuts, cap screws and lock washers
holding pump to engine block, lift off pump and discard
used gasket.
1. Using a new gasket, replace pump on front of
engine and attach with nuts, cap screws and lock
washers. Loosely replace both drive belts.
2. Attach alternator and belt tension idler adjusting
straps to pump, adjust tension of both belts to
specifications, and tighten holddown nuts.
3. Reinstall radiator, connect hoses, refill cooling
system and check for leaks.
6-71. It is not necessary for any repair operation to
remove both the steering gear and the steering column
at the same time. These items can be separated at the
flange shown in figure 6-5, permitting removal only of the
item needing service without disturbing the other item.
6-72. REMOVAL. Refer to the following steps only as
far as necessary to remove the desired assembly.
1. Place gasket on mounting flange of carburetor
1. Remove the truck floor plate, and loosen the
(see figure 1-2), position carburetor against intake
pinch bolt which clamps the split bore of the flexible
manifold and install attaching lock washers and nuts.
coupling to the splined stub shaft of the gear (see figure
Tighten nuts evenly and snugly to prevent air leak.
2. With choke button on instrument panel pushed
2. To remove the steering column:
fully in, and choke valve held fully open, connect choke
linkage to carburetor.
a. Uncouple the horn wire which extends
from the grommet in the lower part of the mast jacket.
3. Reconnect throttle and governor linkage, and
install inlet elbow fitting. Attach air intake hose to
b. Remove two screws attaching shift lever
carburetor air intake.
support to steering column, and move shift lever aside.
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