![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
1. Static pressure test.
1. Carefully place radiator in position, and install
a. Disconnect fuel pump-to-carburetor line at
mounting screws and washers.
2. Reconnect
b. Install adapter and T-fitting in opening and
transmission to-radiator hoses, close engine and radiator
attach a pressure gage rubber tubing to the line.
drain cocks, and replace coolant.
c. Run engine at 500 revolutions per minute
or until fuel remaining in carburetor is used.
6-63. Removal and installation of the power train, which
d. The reading on the gage is the static
includes the power axle, transmission and the engine, is
pressure of the fuel pump and should be 3 /2 to 5
ordinarily not within the capacity of equipment available
pounds per square inch. Since inaccurate readings may
to the using facility. Should a component of the power
result if a longer hose is used, the length of hose on the
train have to be removed, refer the truck to a suitably
pressure gage should not exceed 6 inches.
equipped overhaul facility.
e. Replace pump if static pressure test
6-64. FUEL
shows an under pressure or an overpressure reading.
2. Capacity test. The capacity test is designed to
6-45. REMOVAL. Before starting removal of any fuel
measure amount of fuel that the pump will deliver in
system units, shut off the fuel supply by dosing the valve
excess of fuel needed to operate engine at idling speed.
at the point that the fuel line is connected to the top of
the fuel tank,
a. Disconnect fuel pump-to-carburetor line at
carburetor and attach T-fitting in carburetor inlet
1. Disconnect the fuel line at the filter inlet, then
unscrew the filter (see figure 1-2) from the fitting
b. Attach fuel line to T-fitting.
connecting it to the fuel pump.
2. Remove and save all reusable fittings as work
c. Start engine and count time necessary to
proceeds. Disconnect the pump-to-carburetor fuel line,
fill 1-pint measure with fuel from remaining opening in T-
remove the two nuts and washers which attach the
fitting. Adequate fuel delivery is available when 1 quart
pump to the engine crankcase and take off the pump.
flows in 1 minute or less at 500 revolutions per minute.
Discard the pump mounting gasket. Drain remaining
gas from pump in a safe place.
3. Bench test.
3. Remove spring clips at carburetor end of throttle
and governor linkage, and disconnect linkage at
a. Clamp fuel pump in vise. If vise jaws have
serration's, use brass shims to protect gasket surface of
Loosen hose clamp at carburetor and
pump flange.
remove air intake hose. Loosen, but do not remove
choke cable housing screw, and choke wire screw at
b. Connect mercury manometer or suitable
choke valve lever arm. Set choke cable aside.
vacuum gage to intake side of pump.
4. Remove the two nuts and washers holding the
c. Actuate cam lever a full stroke at 60
carburetor to the intake manifold, remove carburetor and
strokes per minute. The pump should pull at least 10
drain fuel from the carburetor. Manifold-to-carburetor
inches of mercury. If it does not, replace pump.
gasket may be saved for reuse if it is in good condition.
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