![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
4-39. Numerous models of similar 'appearing alternators
4-31. The charging system includes the battery, alternator,
and regulators exist which have no practical
regulator, ammeter, and necessary wiring to connect these
interchangeability with original equipment, since their
internal construction may differ in electrical values. In the
4-32. The continuous output alternator consists of two
course of maintenance, replace only with parts of identical
major parts, a stator and a rotor. The stator is composed of
part numbers as the original equipment.
a large number of windings assembled on the inside of a
laminated core that is attached to the frame. The rotor
the test specifications in Section 2 of this manual will show
revolves within the stator on bearings located in each end
that the regulated voltage will decrease slightly with any
frame. Two brushes are required to carry current through
increase in temperature.
This design consideration
the two slip rings to the field coils wound concentric with the
presumes that both battery and regulator temperature will
shaft of the rotor. Six rectifier diodes are mounted in the
warm up at a similar rate as the truck engine warms up.
slip ring end frame and are joined to the stator windings at
Since a cold battery can be safely charged at a higher rate
three internally located terminals.
than a warm one, the initial charging voltage applied to a
4-33. Diodes are mounted in heat sinks to provide
cold battery is decreased as the truck engine and
adequate heat dissipation. The six diodes replace the
accessories warm up with operation. The thermistor in the
separately mounted rectifier as used in other types of
regulator is the temperature sensitive component which
application. The diodes change the alternating current to
controls this aspect of voltage regulation.
direct current.
4-41. CHARGING SYSTEM POLARITY. The components
4-34. The transistor regulator is an assembly composed
of the charging system are suitable for use only in a 12 volt
principally of transistors, diodes, resistors, a capacitor, and
system in which the battery negative terminal is grounded.
a thermistor to form a completely static voltage regulating
If a replacement battery, for example, is installed with file
unit in Combination with a field relay.
polarity reversed, (positive terminal grounded), the truck
4-35. The transistor is an electrical device which limits the
engine will start and run, but the solid state components of
alternator voltage to a preset value by controlling the
the charging system would probably be ruined before the
alternator field current. The diodes, capacitor and resistors
engine could be shut off. This also applies should it be
act together to aid the transistors in controlling the
necessary to connect a jumper battery to the truck for an
alternator voltage. This is the only function that the
emergency start. Always check battery polarity carefully
regulator performs in the charging circuit. The thermistor
before making connections.
provides a temperature-compensated voltage setting. A
wiring diagram of this regulator's internal circuit is shown in
4-43. The drive axle (see figure 1-9) of the fork lift truck
includes an axle housing, differential assembly, two
4-36. The voltage at which the alternator operates is
axleshafts with integrally machined spur reduction gears,
determined by the regulator adjustment. The regulator
mating with internal sun) gears providing second rage of
voltage setting can be adjusted externally by removing a
speed reduction, and hydraulic self-adjusting brake
pipe plug in the cover and turning the adjusting arm inside
assemblies at the wheel ends.
the regulator. This procedure is explained in the following
4-44. DIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLY. This item of the drive
section, and permits regulator adjustments
axle is similar in design and function to equipment found in
removing the cover.
the drive axle of practically all automotive equipment. The
4-37. The field relay in the regulator is a single pole, single
purpose of the differential is to provide equal power to each
throw normally open relay, the coil of which is energized at
driving wheel, while permitting the outside wheel in any
the time the ignition switch is turned ON. On closing, this
turning maneuver to travel further than the inside wheel.
relay connects the truck battery voltage to the alternator
This provision is necessary since the wheel on the outside
field circuit, energizing the field circuit. Note that the
of a turn must travel in a larger circle than the inside wheel.
alternator field has no residual magnetism, therefore the
field cannot be self-excited, but depends on battery power
construction of a typical differential assembly schematically.
to function.
The pinion gear shown in the picture is actually the output
4-38. Self-discharge of the battery to ground through the
shaft of the transmission, and not part of the drive axle
alternator is prevented by the natural function of the
assembly, but must be considered to understand the power
alternator rectifiers, which permit current flow in the
flow to the wheels.
charging direction, but block reverse current flow quite
4-46. FUNCTION. The gears and shafts of the differential
are carried in a housing or cage mounted between the two
shafts in the rear axle housing. Differential gearing can be
thought of as a special form of planetary gearing. The rear
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