![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
4-21. The capacitor is 'connected acros s the distributor
through their speed ranges. The centrifugal advance for
contact points to produce a quick collapse of the
any particular engine is determined by operating that
magnetic field in the coil so that a high voltage will be
engine at wide-open throttle on a dynamometer and
produced. In doing this, the capacitor protects the
varying the spark advance at each engine speed until
distributor contact points from arcing. After the high
the advance is found which will give maximum power at
tension surge is induced in the coil, it is conducted
that speed. Centrifugal advance weights, and weight
through the coil high tension lead to the center terminal
springs are designed to supply this advance through the
of the distributor cap (figure 4-2). From there it passes
engine speed range. Some centrifugal advance curves
down to the rotor and to the outer cap electrode under
are straight lines when shown in graph form relating
which the rotor segment is positioned at the moment that
speed to degrees of advance. In others the spark
the surge occurs. This outer terminal is connected by a
advance does not increase proportionally with engine
high tension lead to the spark plug in the cylinder which
speed increase so that the curve breaks or "dog-legs" at
is ready to fire. The cap, rotor and high tension leads
some intermediate speed. Maximum advance provided
form a system which distributes the high voltage surges
for some engines is only a few degrees. Other engines
to the spark plugs.
can use as much as 42 degrees advance (spark occurs
42 degrees of engine crankshaft rotation before piston
4-22. SPARK ADVANCE. The timing of the spark to
reaches top dead center) at high speed. Maximum
piston position in the cylinder must vary if best engine
advance for the distributor used on this truck is 15
performance is to be obtained. Thus, at high speed, the
degrees to 19 degrees (crankshaft) obtained at 2000
spark must occur at the plug earlier in the compression
engine rpm.
stroke in order to give the fuel-air mixture ample time to
ignite, burn and give up its power to the piston as it
starts down on the power stroke.
4-25. In liquid cooling systems, the heat from the
cylinders is transferred to a liquid contained in jackets
distributor centrifugal advance mechanism advances the
surrounding the cylinders. This liquid then passes
breaker cam ahead of the distributor shaft (and thus the
through a radiator designed to expose as large an area
camshaft, crankshaft and pistons). This mechanism
as possible to the air. Air
consists of an advance cam which is integral with the
breaker cam, a pair of advance weights, springs and a
weight base which is integral with the distributor shaft.
Different spark advance is required on different engines
Figure 4-2. Ignition System Schematic
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