![]() (6) Start the gear cover attaching screws and,
(1) Remove engine and external parts as
with some tension on the lock washers of the gear cover
to cylinder block screws, tighten the oil pan screws, also
(2) Remove valve tappet covers and, with a
the oil pan to gear cover screws. After these are tight,
valve spring compressor, lift valves so that all of the
draw up the gear cover screws. Keep seal concentric
valve tappets may be blocked up. A nail, if cut off to
with crankshaft.
15/16 inch may be used for this purpose. Lower spring
(7) Assemble front motor support, if removed.
compressor -carefully so nail does not snap out and
(8) Assemble fan drive pulley and starting
pinch fingers.
crank grab.
(9) Assemble governor to gear cover and
fasten in place with cap screws.
(10) Connect governor to carburetor control
If valves are removed, tappets must
still be raised to remove camshaft.
(11) Assemble hydraulic pump to gear cover.
Remove oil pump.
(12) Adjust camshaft, idler shaft and water
pump thrust screws. To adjust these screws, loosen the
(3) Pull the camshaft forward out of the -
lock nut and turn the screw until it contacts the thrust
engine. It may be necessary to turn the crankshaft
plugs in their respective shafts; then turn the screw out
slightly to permit the camshaft bearing journals to pass
approximately 1/8th turn and tighten the lock nut.
the crank throws.
(4) The camshaft gear is pressed off to the
rear of the camshaft. Place suitable support under rear
of the front bearing journal and press gear back off of
a. Removal and disassembly.
gear seat. The gear can then be easily removed from
the camshaft.
(5) Although it is seldom necessary to remove
the thrust plunger from the camshaft, it may be removed
in the following manner: With a torch, quickly heat the
plunger to anneal it. Allow the plunger to cool, then drill
through the
Figure 6-31. Gear Cover Assembly
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