![]() on frame and lift mast assembly from truck.
(1) Reverse procedures in b above.
b. Disassembly.
(2) Bleed air from hoist cylinder (paragraph 6-37
(1) Remove chains (paragraph 6-30).
(2) Remove hoist cylinder (paragraph 6-37).
e. Installation.
(1) Position assembly on bearing bracket on
(3) Lift off load backrest (figure 6-19).
frame. Install angle brackets, washers and cap screws
to secure in position.
(4) Raise inner upright slightly, loosen nut at
bottom of guide rod and unscrew rod from cylinder
(2) Connect hydraulic hose to hoist cylinder
bracket on inner upright. Remove rod, tube, nut, and
bushing within crosshead. Remove crosshead.
(3) Connect both tilt cylinders to brackets on
(5) Disassemble crosshead as follows:
outer uprights by installing shafts (figure 6-17), lock
plates, screws and washers.
(a) Remove retaining rings from ends of crosshead
6-40. TEST AFTER INSTALLATION. Operate system
with gradually increasing loads to check for proper
(b) Take off spacers, bearings, and chain rollers.
operation and hydraulic leaks.
(6) Remove screws and washers attaching
cylinder bracket to inner upright and remove cylinder
following paragraphs cover all truck electrical
components except those which are included in the
engine assembly. For removal and disassembly of
(7) Remove screws, washers, and carriage bar
electrical assemblies mounted on the engine (starter,
from carriage. Remove forks. Lift carriage out of inner
generator, ignition system) refer to the coverage of the
engine assembly in this manual.
(8) Remove roller assemblies and shims from
6-42. Repair of the following electrical components is
carriage trunnions.
essentially limited to replacement of the defective
component except where noted. Installation is the
(9) Remove plugs and setscrews, and remove
reverse of removal. Refer to the wiring diagram (figure
inner upright from within outer upright.
harness, as well as diagnosing and isolating any troubles
c. Repair.
encountered in the electrical system.
(1) Thoroughly inspect and examine all parts
prior to assembling the disassembled uprights. Replace
any component which shows evidence of excessive
a. Removal.
wear; cracks, fractures or damage. Replace any part
(1) Disconnect ground and starter cables at
when in doubt as to its serviceability.
battery. If necessary use a puller to lift cable terminals
from posts with a vertical pull. Do not twist or pry
(2) Repair damaged threaded items by cleaning
terminals from post.
up threads with a tap or die.
(2) Disconnect ground cable from frame, and
starter cable from starter.
(3) Straighten slightly deformed structural items
(3) Loosen nuts and washers holding strap and
by cold bending.
lift battery clear of truck.
(4) Inspect rollers and bushings for wear and
damage. Check bearings for free rotation. Inspect
Avoid contact with any liquid on the
crosshead for evidence of excessive damage. Replace
It will probably be
if in doubt of parts serviceability.
electrolyte, which can produce skin
burns and damage clothing if not
(5) Roller bushings must be smooth without
rinsed off quickly with clear water.
pitting, scoring or other defects. Examine carriage for
evidence of excessive wear.
d. Assembly.
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