![]() should be coated with a suitable nondrying, oil-resistant
wheel back exactly half the number of turns to the center
sealing compound. This is to prevent leakage of gear
position and mark the wheel at the top or bottom with a
lubricant from the steering gear assembly.
piece of tape.
compound should not be applied to female threads and
extreme care should be exercised in applying this
(5) Turn the sector lash adjuster screw clockwise to
compound to the bearing adjuster, as the compound
remove all lash between rack and sector teeth. Tighten
must be kept away from the bearing race.
the locknut.
(1) Place the lower roller bearing in place in the
housing, then, place the worm shaft and nut assembly
into the housing.
Be sure adjustment is not changed while
tightening the locknut.
(2) Install the upper roller bearing and install the
adjuster into the housing.
(6) Using pull scale, check the pull at the rim of the
steering wheel. Take the highest reading on the scale as
(3) Assemble the lash adjuster with shim in the slot
the wheel is pulled through the center position. This
in the end of the sector shaft. Check the end clearance,
should be between 2-3/4 and 3-1/4 pounds.
which should not be greater than 0. 002 inch. For the
purpose of adjusting this end clearance a steering gear
(7) If necessary, readjust the lash adjuster screw to
lash adjuster shim unit is available. It contains four
obtain the proper pull. Tighten the locknut to 10 to 15 ft.
shims: 0. 063 inch, 0. 065 inch, 0. 067 inch and 0. 069
lbs. torque and again check the pull.
inch thick.
(8) Fill the assembly with gear lubricant to the level of
(4) After the lash adjuster end clearance has been
the filler plug hole and replace filler plug.
adjusted, start the sector shaft pilot into the bushing in
the side cover. Then, using a screwdriver through the
m. Installation. Reverse a. above.
hole in the cover, turn the lash adjuster in a
counterclockwise direction to pull the sector shaft pilot
into its bushing as far as it will go.
a. Removal.
(5) Rotate the worm shaft by hand until the ball nut is
about in the center of travel. This is to make sure that
(1) Disconnect, cap and tag hoses at cylinder.
the rack and sector will engage properly with the center
tooth of the sector entering the center tooth space of the
(2) Remove hose clamp holding hoses to cylinder,
disconnect drag link end at cylinder (Figure 6-12).
(6) Place a new gasket on side cover, then push the
(3) Remove cotter pins and nuts attaching front and
side cover assembly, including sector shaft, into place.
rear ends of cylinder to truck and remove cylinder.
After making sure there is some lash between the rack
and sector teeth, assemble and tighten the side cover
b. Control valve disassembly (see Figure 6-13). Do not
disassemble a unit further than is necessary to correct a
During disassembly, special attention
(7) Turn in on the thrust bearing adjuster until the
should be given to identification of parts for proper
adjuster bottoms then back off 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Tighten
reassembly. Place all disassembled parts on a clean,
lint-free surface for inspection. Carefully remove any
burs by light stoning with a medium India stone. Clean
1. Adjustment on bench.
all parts except packing and seals in a clean mineral oil
solvent. After drying thoroughly, lay the parts on a clean,
(1) Tighten the thrust bearing adjuster until all worm
lint-free surface. All internal oil passages of the unit
shaft and play has been removed. Then tighten the
must be thoroughly cleaned. All packing and seals
should be replaced for reassembly. Soak them in
hydraulic fluid prior to being used. Refer to Figure 6-13
(2) Install the steering wheel on the worm shaft
and proceed with disassembly.
temporarily. Carefully turn the steering wheel all the way
in one direction and then turn back about one turn.
(3) Using pull scale, at right angles to one spoke at
Before removing unit or parts of unit to be
wheel rim, measure the pull required to keep the wheel
serviced, be certain the unit is not subject to
in motion. This should be between 1 and 1-1/2 pounds.
hydraulic pressure. Never use an air hose on
If necessary, adjust the thrust bearing adjuster until
or near the exposed parts because of the
proper pull is obtained.
presence of water and dirt in the air system.
(4) Turn the steering wheel from one stop all the way
to the other, counting the number of turns. Then turn the
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