![]() (7) Remove the locknut from the lash adjuster and
j. Ball nut assembly.
unscrew the lash adjuster from the side cover. Slide the
lash adjuster out of slot in the end of the sector
(1) Place the worm shaft flat on the bench and slip
the nut over the worm, with the ball guide holes up and
the shallow end of the rack teeth to the left from the
f. Disassembly of ball bearing nut. Disassembly of the
steering wheel position. Align the grooves in the worm
ball bearing nut will not be necessary, if it is perfectly free
and nut by sighting through the ball guide holes.
with no indication of binding or tightness when rotated on
the worm. However, if there is any indication of binding
(2) Place one half number of balls removed in f. (2)
or tightness, the unit should be disassembled, cleaned
above into a clean container. This is the proper number
and inspected as follows:
of balls for one circuit. Drop the counted balls from the
container into one of the guide holes while turning the
(1) Remove the bolt and clamp retaining the ball
worm gradually away from that hole. Continue until the
guides to the nut. Draw the guides out of the nut.
ball circuit is full from the bottom of one guide hole to the
bottom of the other or until stopped by reaching the end
(2) Turn the nut upside down and rotate the worm
of the worm.
shaft back and forth until all the balls have dropped out
of the nut into a clean pan. With the balls removed, the
In cases where the balls are stopped by the end
nut can be pulled endwise off the worm. Count and note
of the worm, hold down those balls already
number of balls removed. Be sure same number is
dropped into the nut with the blunt end of a clean
installed at assembly.
rod or punch, and turn the worm in the reverse
direction a few turns. The filling of the circuit can
(3) With the steering gear completely disassembled,
then be continued. It may be necessary to work
wash all parts in SD. Dry them thoroughly with clean
the worm back and forth, holding the balls down
With a magnifying glass inspect the roller
first in one hole then the other, to close up the
bearings, cones, worms and nut grooves and the
spaces between the balls and fill the circuit
surfaces of the balls for signs of indentation. Also check
completely and solidly.
for any signs of chipping or breakdown of the surface.
(3) Lay one-half of the ball guide, groove up, on the
(4) Any parts that show signs of damage should be
bench and place the remaining balls from the count
replaced. Balls must be replaced with genuine parts
container in it. The number of the balls remaining should
made according to special specifications for this steering
just fill the guide.
gear. No other balls should be used regardless of grade
or quality.
(4) Close this half of guide with the other half. Hold
the two halves together and plug each open end with
(5) Inspect the sector gearshaft for wear and check
Vaseline so balls will not drop out while installing guide.
the fit in the housing bushing.
(5) Push the guide into the guide holes of the nut.
(6) Inspect the fit of the pilot on the end of the
This completes one circuit of balls. If the guide does not
gearshaft in its bushing in the side cover. If this bushing
push all the way down easily, tap it lightly into place with
is worn, a new side cover and bushing assembly should
the wooden handle of a screwdriver.
be installed, as it is impractical to replace this bushing.
(6) Fill the second ball circuit in the same manner as
(7) Check the ball guides for any damage at the ends
where they deflect or pick the balls from their helical
path. Any damaged guides should be replaced.
(7) Assemble the ball guide clamp to the nut, being
sure to use lockwashers under the clamp screws, then
g. Sector shaft seal replacement.
tighten the screws securely.
(1) Pry old seal out of housing.
(8) Check the assembly by rotating the nut on the
worm to see that it moves freely. Do not rotate the nut to
(2) Press new seal into place using a suitable size
the end of the worm threads, as this may damage the
ball guides. If there is any stickiness in the motion of the
nut, some slight damage to the ends of the ball guides
h. Sector gearshaft bearing removal.
may have been overlooked.
(1) Remove the side cover, sector gearshaft and
k. Steering gear assembly. After a major service
worm shaft as outlined under e. above.
overhaul, where all of the original factory installed
lubricant has been washed out of the steering gear
(2) Support housing on suitable arbor press, then
assembly; the threads of the thrust bearing adjuster, side
use piloted driver to press both bearings from housing.
i. Sector gearshaft bearing installation.
Reverse h.
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