![]() NOTE
Do not change total thickness of axle
differential bearing preload adjustment, the ring gear and
housing gaskets used, once preload has
pinion backlash adjustment, and the tooth contact
been established. Merely exchange them
adjustment. Pinion backlash is to be 0. 006 to 0. 012
from side to side to make adjustment.
(d) Repeat (a) and (b) above to check results of
(1) Adjust differential bearing preload to between 0.
005 inch and 0. 008 inch as follows:
(e) If marks in red lead compare with those in view
(a) With bearing cones in place, install both axle
B, Figure 6-3, reverse adjustment procedure in (c) above
housing (Figure 6-1) to differential housing, with
and recheck adjustment.
differential assembly installed. Use about 0. 030 inch
total gaskets at each side initially.
(f) To correct condition shown in view C, Figure 6-3,
perform (c) and (d) above.
(b) Turn ring gear by hand, testing for noticeable
drag, due to preload on bearings. If no drag exists,
(g) To correct condition shown in view D, Figure 6-3,
reverse (a) above and remove gaskets one at a time and
reverse procedure in (c) above, and recheck adjustment.
repeat test until drag is noticed. Gaskets 0. 005 inch
thick and gaskets 0.
0075 inch thick are used.
f. Installation. Install drive axle by reversing procedure
Decrease total gasket thickness in 0. 0025 inch steps by
indicated in a. above.
removing two 0. 005 inch gaskets and installing one 0.
0075 inch gasket.
(c) If drag is noticeable on first trial, reverse
a. Removal.
procedure for decreasing gasket thickness in (b) above
until no drag is present, then decrease thickness to get
(1) Jack or hoist truck high enough to provide
drag. Preload is now between 0. 000 and 0. 0025 inch.
enough space in which to work. Block truck so it cannot
Remove one more 0. 005 inch gasket to get specified
fall after being raised.
(2) Disconnect power booster cylinder and drag link
(2) Adjust ring gear and pinion relationship after
from steering axle. (Paragraphs 6-25 and 6-26).
performing (1) above, as follows:
(3) If steering axle is raised from ground, support it
against falling when the attaching parts are removed in
Several adjustments of both pinion and
the next step. The flat retainer bars across the bottom of
ring gear setting may
each neoprene axle block are now the only items holding
before the correct adjustment is achieved.
the axle in place. Remove the two nuts, washers and
It is not possible to specify the exact
screws holding each retainer bar in place and remove
thickness of gaskets to be added, removed,
the retainer bars. Axle is now free of the truck when
or exchanged at any stage. This must be
determined by trial and error.
(4) Lower axle, or hoist truck, to get clearance and
(a) Apply a thin coating of oiled red lead to drive face
roll axle from beneath truck.
of teeth of ring gear, and install pinion with bearing and
cover assembled to differential housing. Put heavy drag
b. Disassembly.
on ring gear, and turn it one revolution in the forward
direction by turning pinion.
(1) Dismount complete wheel and tire assembly
(b) Remove pinion and cover, and compare contact
marks made in red lead on ring gear teeth with examples
(2) Remove small retainer plate under each king pin,
shown in Figure 6-3.
take king pin out of axle from the bottom, and remove
the steering knuckle at each side of the axle. Do not
remove the king pin bearings from the axle unless new
Ring gear is on left side of pinion.
bearings are to be installed, but take care to keep them
References to follow consider this.
clean until reassembly of the axle.
(c) If marks in red lead compare with those in view A,
(3) Remove screws, washers, support plate and axle
too far out), correct by removing one or more gaskets
from under cover, and transferring one or more gaskets
as indicated by the degree of adjustment needed, from
left side of housing to right side.
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